5-404 - Cancellation of registration; cancellation of record.

§  5-404. Cancellation of registration; cancellation of record. 1. The  board of elections shall cancel  a  registration  by  marking  the  word  "Cancelled"  on  the  face  of  each  of  the  voter's registration poll  records, without obliterating any of  the  entries  thereon,  and  shall  enter the reasons for such cancellation on the face of such registration  record  or,  if  the  board  uses computer generated registration lists,  entering such reasons in the computer records.    If  requested  by  any  member  of  the board, the cancellation of registration of any voter, or  group of voters, must be approved by  two  such  board  members  or  two  employees  of  the  board representing different political parties. Such  members or employees shall place their  initials  or  other  identifying  information  on  the  registration  poll  record  of such voter, or on a  computer generated list of  such  cancellations.  Such  lists  shall  be  preserved   in  the  same  manner,  and  for  the  same  time,  as  such  registration poll records.    2. The board shall supply a list  of  registration  cancellations  and  reinstatements  to the county chairman of any political party requesting  same.