5-403 - Rejection of ballot of unqualified voter; notice of action by board.

§ 5-403. Rejection of ballot of unqualified voter; notice of action by  board.  If  the  ballot of any person, voted in an affidavit envelope in  the manner prescribed by this chapter, is rejected under the  provisions  of this chapter on the grounds that such person is not a qualified voter  of  the  election  district  wherein he or she sought to vote, or is not  duly enrolled in the party in whose primary he or she sought to vote and  if such person  has  completed  the  application  for  registration  and  enrollment or change of enrollment on such affidavit envelope, the board  of  elections  shall  process  such an application in the same manner as  other  applications  for  registration  and  enrollment  or  change   of  enrollment.  The board of elections shall immediately notify such person  by first class mail  directed  to  the  address  given  in  his  or  her  affidavit,  of  the  rejection  of  his or her ballot, together with the  reason therefor and, if such person has not  completed  the  application  for  registration  by mail, the appropriate information on the times and  places where he or she may register, re-register, enroll, or  change  or  correct  his or her enrollment. Where appropriate, a form of application  for personal registration by mail shall be included with such notice.