5-306 - Enrollment; correction of.

§  5-306.  Enrollment;  correction  of.  1.  If, after being regularly  registered in an election district, a voter  discovers  he  has  made  a  mistake when enrolling, he may within one year from the date of his last  registration  apply  to  the board of elections of the county or city in  which he resides for a correction  of  the  mistake  made  by  him  when  marking  his  enrollment  blank,  by  filing his affidavit setting forth  substantially as follows: how he is enrolled,  and  the  town  or  city,  election  district, and when required, the ward or assembly district, in  which he is registered, the street address, if any, from  which  he  was  registered, a statement, in substance, that his current enrollment blank  was  not  marked correctly and that he did not intend to be so enrolled;  the name of the party with which he did intend to enroll  and  which  he  desires  to  be entered on the registration records; a statement that he  has been duly and regularly  enrolled  with  the  party  whose  name  he  desires  entered  on  his  registration  records for at least five years  immediately preceding the registration at which such mistake occurred or  that he was not registered for all or part of such five year period; the  county or counties and the addresses at which he resided when he was  so  enrolled;  that  he  is  in  general sympathy with the principles of the  party with which he requests to  be  enrolled  and  intends  to  support  generally  its  nominees  at  the next general election, and a statement  that he has not enrolled in any party or  participated  in  any  primary  election  or  convention  of any party during the past five years, other  than the one with which he requests to be enrolled.    2. If the applicant's certificate or, the registration records in  the  office  of  such board show the applicant to have been registered during  such five year period elsewhere in the state of New York the board shall  require  the  applicant  to  produce  a  certified  transcript  of   his  enrollment,  if  any,  in  such  other  jurisdiction  within  the  state  accompanied with proof, by affidavit,  showing  his  identity  with  the  person  whose  name  appears  in  such transcript. If the records of any  board of elections within the state show  the  applicant  to  have  been  enrolled  during  such  five year period in any party other than the one  with which he requests to be enrolled, or to have  been  registered  but  not  enrolled,  the  application  for  correction of enrollment shall be  denied.    3. A voter may correct his enrollment pursuant hereto on  any  of  the  days  the  board  is open for registration. A correction made during the  twenty-five-day  period  preceding  a  primary  election  shall  not  be  effective for such election.    4.  Where  such  application for correction of enrollment is approved,  the board of elections shall enter the date of  filing  of  the  voter's  affidavit  along with the new party of enrollment in the spaces provided  for entering enrollments on the back of his registration poll record  or  in  the  computer  file  from  which the computer generated registration  lists are prepared and the words "Enrollment Corrected" shall be entered  in the remarks space therein.  If requested by any member of the  board,  the  correction  of enrollment of any voter, or group of voters, must be  approved by two such  board  members  or  two  employees  of  the  board  representing  different  political  parties.  Such  members or employees  shall place their initials  or  other  identifying  information  on  the  registration  poll record of such voter, or on a computer generated list  of such corrections of enrollment. Such lists shall be preserved in  the  same  manner,  and for the same time, as such registration poll records.  The board shall file such affidavit in a file specially  maintained  for  that purpose.