3-418 - Election inspectors and poll clerks; emergency provisions for filling vacancies or absences.
§ 3-418. Election inspectors and poll clerks; emergency provisions for filling vacancies or absences. 1. If, at the time of a meeting of the inspectors, there shall be a vacancy, or if any inspector shall be absent, the inspector present who is the designee of the same party as the absent inspector shall appoint a qualified voter of the same city or town to act in place of the absent inspector. If, however, any inspectors shall be temporarily absent for a portion of the meeting, the inspectors present, provided that they are not all members of the same political party, shall have and may exercise any power or perform any duty conferred or imposed upon a board of inspectors. 2. If at the time of any such meeting two inspectors who are members of the same party shall be absent, or their places shall be vacant, the poll clerk or poll clerks present, if any, of the same party shall act as inspectors and shall appoint qualified voters of the same city or town who are members of the same party as the absent inspectors, to act in place of such clerks. 3. If at the time of any such meeting two inspectors and the poll clerk or clerks, if any, who are members of the same party shall be absent, or their places shall be vacant, the inspector or inspectors present, or in their absence the poll clerk or clerks present, if any, shall appoint qualified voters of the same city or town, who are members of the same party as such absent inspectors, to act as such inspectors and clerks, until the inspectors or clerks duly appointed by the original appointing authority, shall appear. 4. If at the time of any such meeting, there shall be a vacancy in the office of poll clerk, or if a poll clerk shall be absent, the inspectors who are designees of the same party, or in their absence, any poll clerk of the same party who is present, shall appoint a qualified voter of the same city or town who is a member of the same party, to act in place of the absent poll clerk. 5. Every person so appointed or named shall take the oath of office, which shall be administered by any person authorized to administer oaths or by one of the inspectors.