17-142 - Giving consideration for franchise.

§  17-142.  Giving  consideration  for franchise. Except as allowed by  law, any person who directly or indirectly, by himself  or  through  any  other person:    1.  Pays,  lends or contributes, or offers or promises to pay, lend or  contribute any money or other  valuable  consideration  to  or  for  any  voter,  or  to  or  for  any other person, to induce such voter or other  person to vote or refrain from voting at any election, or to induce  any  voter  or  other  person to vote or refrain from voting at such election  for any particular person or persons, or for or against  any  particular  proposition  submitted to voters, or to induce such voter to come to the  polls or remain away from the polls at such election or to  induce  such  voter  or  other  person  to place or cause to be placed or refrain from  placing or causing to be placed his name upon a registration poll record  or on account of such voter or other person having  voted  or  refrained  from  voting  for or against any particular person or for or against any  proposition submitted to voters, or having come to the polls or remained  away from the polls at such election, or having placed or caused  to  be  placed  or  refrained  from  placing  or causing to be placed his or any  other name upon the registry of voters; or,    2. Gives, offers or promises  any  office,  place  or  employment,  or  promises  to  procure  or  endeavor  to  procure  any  office,  place or  employment to or for any voter, or to or for any other person, in  order  to  induce  such voter or other person to vote or refrain from voting at  any election, or to induce any voter or other person to vote or  refrain  from  voting  at  such election, for or against any particular person or  for or against any proposition submitted to voters,  or  to  induce  any  voter  or  other  person  to place or cause to be placed or refrain from  placing  or  causing  to  be  placed  his  or  any  other  name  upon  a  registration poll record; or,    3. Gives, offers or promises any office, place, employment or valuable  thing  as  an inducement for any voter or other person to procure or aid  in procuring either a large or a small vote, plurality  or  majority  at  any  election  district  or other political division of the state, for a  candidate or candidates to be voted for at an election; or  to  cause  a  larger  or  smaller  vote, plurality or majority to be cast or given for  any candidate or candidates in one such district or  political  division  than in another; or,    4.  Makes  any gift, loan, promise, offer, procurement or agreement as  aforesaid to, for or with any person to induce such person to procure or  endeavor to procure the election of any person or the vote of any  voter  at any election; or,    5.  Procures  or  engages  or  promises  or  endeavors  to procure, in  consequence of any such gift,  loan,  offer,  promise,  procurement,  or  agreement  the election of any person, or the vote of any voter, at such  election; or,    6. Advances or pays or causes to be paid, any money or other  valuable  thing,  to  or  for the use of any other person with the intent that the  same, or any part thereof, shall be used in bribery at any election,  or  knowingly pays or causes to be paid any money or other valuable thing to  any  person  in  discharge  or repayment of any money, wholly or in part  expended in bribery at any election, is guilty of a felony.