11-300 - Special ballots on account of religious scruples.

§  11-300.  Special  ballots on account of religious scruples. A voter  may deliver to the inspectors of election of the  election  district  in  which he is registered, or to the board of elections, at any time during  the  period  in  which  an  application  for  absentee  ballot may be so  delivered  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  this  chapter,  a  written  statement  of  religious  scruples  against  voting  at  a polling place  located in a premises used for religious  purposes.  In  the  event  the  polling place for any such voter's election district shall be located in  a  premises  used  for  religious purposes, the board of elections shall  permit such voter to cast a special ballot, at an office of  such  board  of  elections,  not  earlier  than  one week before the election and not  later than the close of the polls on election day. Such ballots shall be  retained at the board of elections and cast and  canvassed  pursuant  to  the provisions of section 9-209 of this chapter.