7805 - Exempt persons.

§  7805.  Exempt  persons.  Nothing contained in this article shall be  construed to prohibit:    1. The practice of massage therapy by any person who is authorized  to  practice  medicine, nursing, osteopathy, physiotherapy, chiropractic, or  podiatry in accordance with the provisions of this title.    2. The practice of that massage which is customarily given  in  barber  shops  or  beauty  parlors  for  the  purpose  of  beautification by any  licensed barber or beauty culturist.    3. The practice of massage therapy by any person employed in a medical  institution licensed or chartered by the state  of  New  York,  provided  that  such  person is under the on-site supervision of a person licensed  to practice massage therapy or authorized to practice massage therapy by  subdivision one of this section, or by any person enrolled in a  program  of   a  school  or  institute  of  massage  therapy  registered  by  the  department, or enrolled in a program which satisfies the requirements of  section seventy-eight hundred four of this article, provided  that  such  person is under the on-site supervision of a person licensed to practice  massage therapy or authorized to practice massage therapy by subdivision  one of this section.    4.  The  practice  of massage therapy by any person duly employed as a  trainer by a professional athletic association, club or team,  or  as  a  member of the physical education department of an accredited university,  college or high school.    5.  The  practice  of  massage  therapy  by  any  person employed by a  corporation or association organized exclusively for the moral or mental  improvement of men, women or children.