6403 - Adjustments to enrollment grants.

§ 6403. Adjustments  to  enrollment  grants.  1.  The  grants provided  pursuant to paragraph (a) of subdivision  one  and  subdivision  two  of  section  sixty-four  hundred two of this chapter shall be reduced by one  hundred per centum of the grant otherwise allocable to each  first  year  excess  non  resident  student in those institutions enrolling more than  thirty per centum of nonresident students in its first year class during  the nineteen hundred seventy-nine--nineteen hundred eighty academic year  or thereafter.    2. For purposes of this section, "nonresident student" shall mean  any  entering student who does not qualify as a resident under the provisions  of  paragraph  b of subdivision five of section six hundred sixty-one of  this chapter.    3. For purposes of this section  "excess  nonresident  student"  shall  mean  any  nonresident  student enrolled in an entering first year class  after the per centum of total nonresident students in such class exceeds  thirty per centum with respect to subdivision one of this section.    4. A reduction in grants pursuant to  this  section  shall  remain  in  effect  with respect to each affected class until the graduation of such  class.