6431 - Advisory committee on campus security.

§  6431.  Advisory  committee  on campus security. 1. The president or  chief administrative officer of each college, except  those  independent  colleges  ineligible  to  receive  state  aid  under  section sixty-four  hundred one of this title, shall appoint an advisory committee on campus  security.    2. Such committee shall consist of a minimum of six members, at  least  half  of  whom  shall  be  female;  one-third  of the committee shall be  appointed from a list of students  that  contains  at  least  twice  the  number  to  be  appointed  which  is  provided  by  the  largest student  governance organization on  such  campus,  one-third  thereof  shall  be  appointed  from a list of faculty members that contains twice the number  to be appointed which is provided by the largest faculty organization on  such campus, and one-third of whom shall be selected by the president or  chief administrative officer.    3. The committee shall review current  campus  security  policies  and  procedures  and  make  recommendations  for  their improvement. It shall  specifically review current policies and procedures for:    a. educating the campus community, including  security  personnel  and  those  persons  who  advise or supervise students, about sexual assault,  domestic violence and stalking offenses pursuant to  section  sixty-four  hundred thirty-two of this article;    b.  educating  the  campus  community  about personal safety and crime  prevention;    c. reporting sexual assaults, domestic violence and stalking incidents  and assisting victims during investigations;    d. referring complaints to appropriate authorities;    e. counseling victims; and    f. responding to inquiries from concerned persons.    4. The committee shall report, in writing, to the college president or  chief administrative officer on  its  findings  and  recommendations  at  least  once  each academic year, and such report shall be available upon  request.    5. Nothing in this section shall be construed to alter, amend,  modify  or affect existing standards for civil liability.