6279 - Payments to fund.

§ 6279. Payments  to fund. To enable the fund to realize its corporate  purposes, as provided in section sixty-two hundred seventy-three of this  article, the following monies shall be made available  to  the  fund  as  hereinafter provided:    (1)  The  state  shall,  in  addition  to  any  other  state financial  assistance, annually appropriate and pay to the fund an amount equal  to  the  aggregate  of  all  rentals  and  such  other  payments  due to the  dormitory authority from the fund pursuant to  any  lease,  sublease  or  other  agreement  entered  into  between the dormitory authority and the  fund prior to July first, nineteen hundred eighty-five  or  pursuant  to  any  agreement  supplemental thereto, pursuant to which the fund and the  dormitory authority provide senior  college  facilities,  for  the  city  fiscal  year  commencing  July first succeeding the filing of the report  required to be submitted by the fund pursuant to  subdivision  seven  of  section  sixty-two  hundred  seventy-four  of  this article. Such amount  shall be paid to the fund as follows: (i) on or before the fifteenth day  of July of the fiscal year of the city, the amount required to  be  paid  by  the  fund  under  any  such lease, sublease or other agreement on or  before the first day of August of such city  fiscal  year;  (ii)  on  or  before the fifteenth day of November of the fiscal year of the city, the  amount required to be paid by the fund under any such lease, sublease or  other  agreement  on  or  before  the tenth day of December of such city  fiscal year; (iii) on or before the fifteenth day of May of  the  fiscal  year  of  the city, the amount required to be paid by the fund under any  such lease, sublease or other agreement on or before the  tenth  day  of  June  of such city fiscal year; and (iv) on such day or days as shall be  prescribed under any such  lease,  sublease  or  other  agreements,  the  amount required to be paid by the fund under any such lease, sublease or  other  agreements entered into on or after April first, nineteen hundred  ninety-nine.    The state shall, in addition to any other state financial  assistance,  annually appropriate and pay to the fund an amount equal to one-half the  aggregate  of  all  rentals and such other payments due to the dormitory  authority from the  fund  pursuant  to  any  lease,  sublease  or  other  agreement  entered  into  between  the  dormitory authority and the fund  prior to July first, nineteen hundred eighty-five  or  pursuant  to  any  agreement  supplemental  thereto,  pursuant  to  which  the fund and the  dormitory authority provide community college facilities, for  the  city  fiscal  year  commencing  July first succeeding the filing of the report  required to be submitted by the fund pursuant to  subdivision  seven  of  section  sixty-two  hundred  seventy-four  of this article, which amount  shall be payable as follows: (a) fifty per centum of such  amount  shall  be  payable, (i) with respect to any portion thereof required to be paid  by the fund under any such lease, sublease  or  other  agreement  on  or  before  the  first  day of August of such city fiscal year, on or before  the fifteenth day of July, and (ii) with respect to any portion  thereof  so  required  to  be  paid  by  the  fund  on or before the tenth day of  December of such city fiscal year, on or before  the  fifteenth  day  of  November;  (b)  fifty  per  centum of such amount shall be payable on or  before the fifteenth day of May of such city fiscal year; and (c)  fifty  per  centum of such amount shall be payable on such day or days as shall  be prescribed under any such lease, sublease or  other  agreements,  the  amount required to be paid by the fund under any such lease, sublease or  other  agreements entered into on or after April first, nineteen hundred  ninety-nine.    (2)  The  city  shall,  in  addition  to  any  other  city   financial  assistance,  annually pay to the fund an amount equal to one-half of the  aggregate of all rentals and such other payments due  to  the  dormitoryauthority  from  the  fund  pursuant  to  any  lease,  sublease or other  agreement entered into between the  dormitory  authority  and  the  fund  prior  to  July  first,  nineteen hundred eighty-five or pursuant to any  agreement supplemental thereto, for the city fiscal year commencing July  first  succeeding  the  filing of the report required to be submitted by  the fund pursuant to subdivision  seven  of  section  sixty-two  hundred  seventy-four  of this article, which amount shall be payable as follows:  (a) fifty per centum of such amount shall be payable, (i)  with  respect  to  any  portion  thereof required to be paid by the fund under any such  lease, sublease or other agreement on or before the first day of  August  of  such  city  fiscal year, on or before the fifteenth day of July, and  (ii) with respect to any portion thereof so required to be paid  by  the  fund on or before the tenth day of December of such city fiscal year, on  or  before  the  fifteenth  day of November; and (b) fifty per centum of  such amount shall be payable on or before the fifteenth day  of  May  of  such  city  fiscal  year; provided, however, that such amount shall have  been first appropriated by the city to the fund or shall otherwise  have  been  made  lawfully  available to the fund for such purposes; provided,  further, that the amount required to be paid to the fund by the city  at  any  time  on  account of the rentals and such other payments due to the  dormitory authority from the fund pursuant to  any  lease,  sublease  or  other  agreement  entered  into  between the dormitory authority and the  fund prior to July first, nineteen hundred eighty-five  or  pursuant  to  any  agreement  supplemental thereto, pursuant to which the fund and the  dormitory authority provide senior college facilities, shall be  reduced  by  an amount equal to the amount by which the payment made by the state  pursuant to the first paragraph of subdivision one of  this  section  on  account  of  such lease, sublease or other agreement exceeds one-half of  the amount then required to be paid by the  state  on  account  of  such  lease,  sublease  or other agreement. In the event of the failure of the  city to pay the fund, pursuant to the schedule of  payments  established  by  this  subdivision,  all  or  part  of  such  amounts, the fund shall  forthwith make and deliver to the comptroller of the state of New York a  certificate stating such amount and the sum, if any, paid by the city to  the fund with respect to such amount, and further stating the difference  between such amount and such sum, and, after the state comptroller shall  have given written notice to the city director of management and budget,  such difference, but not to exceed sixty-five million dollars in any one  city fiscal year, shall be paid to the fund by the state comptroller out  of the next succeeding payment of state aid apportioned to the  city  of  New  York as per capita aid for the support of local government pursuant  to section fifty-four of the state finance law during such  city  fiscal  year.  The  amount  so  paid over to the fund shall be deducted from the  corresponding apportionment of  such  per  capita  state  aid  otherwise  payable  to  the  city  of New York, and shall not obligate the state to  make or  entitle  the  city  of  New  York  to  receive  any  additional  apportionment  or  payment  of per capita state aid. Notwithstanding any  other provision of law, the  city  shall  have  the  power  to  contract  indebtedness  and to issue its obligations pursuant to the local finance  law for the purpose of financing any payment authorized or  required  to  be  made  by  the  city  by  this  subdivision.  Any  such payment shall  constitute an object  or  purpose  for  which  the  period  of  probable  usefulness is hereby determined to be five years.    (3)  (a)  The  state shall, in addition to any other state assistance,  annually  appropriate  and  pay  to  the  city  of  New  York  for   the  twelve-month  period  commencing July first, nineteen hundred eighty-two  and thereafter, an amount equal to the amount paid by the city  pursuantto  subdivision  two  of  this  section  attributable  to senior college  facilities.    (b)  For the purposes of this section and subdivision seven of section  sixty-two hundred seventy-four of this article, the term "senior college  facilities" shall be deemed to mean and refer to  any  facility  of  the  city  university  which is or has been financed by bonds, notes or other  obligations of the dormitory authority pursuant to any  lease,  sublease  or  other  agreement  between the dormitory authority and the fund which  relates to an educational unit of the city university which was, or  is,  included  as  a  senior  college  on  the  date  as of which such lease,  sublease or other agreement is dated.    (c) In addition to the amounts specified  in  paragraph  (a)  of  this  subdivision, the state shall, in addition to any other state assistance,  annually  appropriate  and  pay  to  the city of New York for the twelve  month period commencing July  first,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-two  and  thereafter  an  amount  equal to the amount paid by the city pursuant to  subdivision two of this section attributable to facilities of  New  York  city  college  of technology and to that educational unit of the college  of Staten Island  whose  primary  purpose  is  providing  associate  and  certificate programs in general and technical educational subjects.    (4)  The  state  shall,  in  addition  to  any  other  state financial  assistance, annually appropriate and pay to the fund for the benefit  of  the  city university an amount equal to the aggregate of all rentals and  other payments due to the dormitory authority from the fund  on  account  of  senior  college  facilities  and  one-half  of all rentals and other  payments due to the dormitory authority from  the  fund  on  account  of  community  college  facilities,  which  rentals  and  other payments are  payable by the fund pursuant to any lease, sublease or  other  agreement  entered  into  between  the dormitory authority and the fund on or after  July first, nineteen hundred eighty-five,  other  than  pursuant  to  an  agreement supplemental to any lease, sublease or other agreement entered  into  between  the dormitory authority and the fund prior to July first,  nineteen hundred eighty-five, for the city fiscal year  commencing  July  first  succeeding  the  filing of the report required to be submitted by  the fund pursuant to subdivision  seven  of  section  sixty-two  hundred  seventy-four  of  this article. Such amount shall be paid to the fund as  follows: (i) on or before the fifteenth day of July of the  fiscal  year  of  the  city,  the amount required to be paid by the fund on account of  senior college facilities and fifty per centum of the amount required to  be paid by the fund on account of community college facilities under any  such lease, sublease or other agreement on or before the  first  day  of  August  of such city fiscal year; (ii) on or before the fifteenth day of  November of the fiscal year of the city, the amount required to be  paid  by the fund on account of senior college facilities and fifty per centum  of  the  amount  required to be paid by the fund on account of community  college facilities under any such lease, sublease or other agreement  on  or  before the tenth day of December of such city fiscal year; and (iii)  on or before the fifteenth day of May of the fiscal year  of  the  city,  the  amount required to be paid by the fund on account of senior college  facilities and fifty per centum of the amount required to be paid by the  fund on account of community college facilities under  any  such  lease,  sublease  or  other agreement on or before the tenth day of June of such  city fiscal year. In the event of the failure of the state  to  pay  the  fund  when due pursuant to this subdivision all or part of such amounts,  the fund shall forthwith make and deliver  to  the  comptroller  of  the  state  of  New  York  a  certificate  stating  the amount of the payment  required to have been made by the state, the amount paid  by  the  state  and  the  amount  remaining  unpaid by the state. The comptroller of thestate of New York, after giving written notice to the state director  of  the  budget,  shall  pay  to  the  fund  the  amount  set  forth in such  certificate as remaining unpaid, which amount shall  be  paid  from  any  moneys  appropriated  by the state pursuant to section sixty-two hundred  twenty-one of this chapter or any successor provisions of law for or  on  account  of  the net operating costs of senior colleges and not yet paid  during such city fiscal year and from any  moneys  appropriated  by  the  state pursuant to subdivision one of section sixty-three hundred four of  this  chapter  or  any  successor provisions of law for or on account of  operating costs of community colleges and not yet paid during such  city  fiscal year or from any other moneys appropriated by the state for or on  account  of  the operating costs of senior or community colleges and not  yet paid during such city fiscal years, which moneys are appropriated in  lieu  of  or  in  addition  to  moneys  appropriated  pursuant  to  such  provisions  of law. The amount required to be paid by the comptroller of  the state of New York pursuant to this subdivision shall be paid to  the  fund as soon as practicable after receipt of the certificate of the fund  and  notice  to the state director of the budget is given whether or not  the moneys from which such payment is to be made are then payable to the  city or  the  city  university;  provided,  however,  that  any  amounts  described  in  clause  (i),  (ii)  or (iii) of this subdivision that are  payable other than semi-annually, including  for  variable  rate  bonds,  interest  rate  exchange  or  similar  agreements,  or  other  financing  arrangements permitted by law, may be paid at such other  times  as  the  state  may  elect,  but  in no event later than the fifteenth day of the  month preceding the month during which the  fund  is  required  by  such  lease, sublease or agreement to pay such amounts.    (5)   The  city  shall,  in  addition  to  any  other  city  financial  assistance, annually appropriate and pay to the fund for the benefit  of  the city university an amount equal to: (i) one-half of the aggregate of  all  rentals  and  such other payments where the dormitory authority has  financed the entire  capital  cost  of  constructing  community  college  facilities,  and  (ii)  all  of  the  aggregate  rentals  and such other  payments where the dormitory  authority  has  financed  only  the  local  sponsor's  portion of the capital cost of constructing community college  facilities pursuant to any lease, sublease or  other  agreement  entered  into  between  the  dormitory  authority  and  the fund on or after July  first, nineteen hundred eighty-five, other than pursuant to an agreement  supplemental to any lease, sublease  or  other  agreement  entered  into  between  the  dormitory  authority  and  the  fund  prior to July first,  nineteen hundred eighty-five, for the city fiscal year  commencing  July  first  succeeding  the  filing of the report required to be submitted by  the fund pursuant to subdivision  seven  of  section  sixty-two  hundred  seventy-four  of  this article. Such amount shall be paid to the fund as  follows: (i) on or before the fifteenth day of July of the  fiscal  year  of  the  city, fifty per centum of the amount required to be paid by the  fund on account of community college facilities under  any  such  lease,  sublease or other agreement on or before the first day of August of such  city fiscal year; (ii) on or before the fifteenth day of November of the  fiscal  year  of the city, fifty per centum of the amount required to be  paid by the fund on account of community college  facilities  under  any  such  lease,  sublease  or other agreement on or before the tenth day of  December of such city fiscal year; and (iii) on or before the  fifteenth  day  of  May  of  the  fiscal  year of the city, fifty per centum of the  amount required to be paid by the fund on account of  community  college  facilities  under  any  such  lease,  sublease  or other agreement on or  before the tenth day of June of such city fiscal year. In the  event  of  the  failure  of  the  city  to  pay  the fund when due pursuant to thissubdivision all or part of such amounts, the fund shall  forthwith  make  and  deliver  to  the comptroller of the state of New York a certificate  stating the amount of the payment required to  have  been  made  by  the  city, the amount paid by the city and the amount remaining unpaid by the  city.  The  comptroller  of  the state of New York, after giving written  notice to the city director of management and budget, shall pay  to  the  fund the amount set forth in such certificate as remaining unpaid, which  amount  shall be paid, first, from the next succeeding payments of state  aid apportioned to the city as per capita aid for the support  of  local  government  pursuant  to  section  fifty-four  of  the state finance law  during such city fiscal year, provided that the amount  the  comptroller  of  the state of New York may pay pursuant to this subdivision from such  next succeeding payment of state aid  shall  be  limited  to  an  amount  which,  together  with (i) the amount of such state aid theretofore paid  and then to be paid by the comptroller of the state of New York pursuant  to subdivision two of this section, (ii) the amount of  such  state  aid  theretofore  paid  pursuant  to  this  subdivision and (iii) the maximum  amount  which  may  thereafter  be  required  to  be  paid  pursuant  to  subdivision  two  of  this  section,  in  each such case during the city  fiscal year in which  the  payment  is  to  be  made  pursuant  to  this  subdivision,  does  not  exceed  sixty-five million dollars; and, if the  amount of such state aid so paid by the comptroller of the state of  New  York is less than the amount set forth in the certificate of the fund as  remaining  unpaid,  then  from  any  moneys  appropriated  by  the state  pursuant to section sixty-two hundred twenty-one of this chapter or  any  successor provisions of law for or on account of the net operating costs  of  senior  colleges  and  not yet paid during such city fiscal year and  from any moneys appropriated by the state pursuant to subdivision one of  section sixty-three hundred  four  of  this  chapter  or  any  successor  provisions  of  law  for  or  on account of operating costs of community  colleges and not yet paid during such  city  fiscal  year  or  from  any  moneys  appropriated  by  the  state  for or on account of the operating  costs of senior or community colleges and not yet paid during such  city  fiscal  year, which moneys are appropriated in lieu of or in addition to  moneys appropriated pursuant to  such  provisions  of  law.  The  amount  required to be paid by the comptroller of the state of New York pursuant  to  this  subdivision  shall  be paid to the fund as soon as practicable  after receipt of the certificate of the fund  and  notice  to  the  city  director of management and budget is given, whether or not the state aid  or other moneys from which such payment is to be made is then payable to  the  city  or  the city university. The amount of the state aid or other  moneys payable to the  city  or  the  city  university  from  which  the  comptroller of the state of New York has made a payment pursuant to this  subdivision  shall  be  reduced  by  the  amount  so  paid  to  the fund  notwithstanding the amount appropriated and apportioned by the state  to  the city or the city university, and the state shall not be obligated to  make  and  the  city  or  the  city  university shall not be entitled to  receive any additional apportionment or payment of  such  state  aid  or  other  moneys;  provided,  however, that any amounts described in clause  (i), (ii) or (iii) of this  subdivision  that  are  payable  other  than  semi-annually, including for variable rate bonds, interest rate exchange  or similar agreements, or other financing arrangements permitted by law,  may  be  paid at such other times as the city may elect, but in no event  later than the fifteenth day of the month  preceding  the  month  during  which  the  fund is required by such lease, sublease or agreement to pay  such amounts.    (6) The amounts of money required to be paid pursuant to this  section  shall be determined from the report required to be submitted by the fundpursuant  to subdivision seven of section sixty-two hundred seventy-four  of this article. Nothing contained in subdivision four or five  of  this  section  shall  be  construed  to create an obligation upon the state to  appropriate moneys for or on account of the operating costs of senior or  community  colleges,  to  preclude the state from reducing the amount of  moneys appropriated or level of assistance provided  for  the  operating  costs  of  senior  or community colleges from the amount appropriated or  level of assistance provided in  any  prior  city  fiscal  year,  or  to  preclude  the  state  from  altering or modifying the manner in which it  provides for or provides assistance for the operating costs of senior or  community colleges.    (7) Notwithstanding the designation  of  Medgar  Evers  college  as  a  senior  college,  for the period commencing July first, nineteen hundred  ninety-four and thereafter, the city of New York  shall  include  Medgar  Evers  college  facilities  in  its  calculation of amounts due the fund  pursuant to subdivision  five  of  this  section  and  for  purposes  of  paragraph  c  of  subdivision one of section sixty-three hundred four of  this chapter.