6004 - College board of trustees; powers and duties.

§ 6004. College  board  of  trustees;  powers  and duties. The college  shall continue to be administered and maintained at Syracuse university.  Subject to the general management and supervision of and  in  accordance  with  rules  established  by  the state university trustees, the college  board of trustees shall exercise the following powers:    a. Recommend regarding the establishment  of  courses  of  study,  the  creation  of  departments,  the general course of instruction, research,  and experiments to be pursued in the  college  and  the  degrees  to  be  conferred,   number  and  salaries  of  faculty,  staff  and  all  other  employees, their appointment and termination or removal, and the  nature  of their duties.    b.  To  submit for approval all contracts necessary or appropriate for  carrying out any of the purposes or objects of  the  college,  including  such  as  shall  involve  cooperation  with  any  person, corporation or  association or any department of the government of the state of New York  or of the United States in laboratory,  experimental,  investigative  or  research  work,  and  the  acceptance  from  such  person,  corporation,  association or department of the state or federal government of gifts or  contributions of money, expert  service,  labor,  materials,  apparatus,  appliances or other property in connection therewith.    c.   Recommend   to  the  state  university  trustees  candidates  for  appointment  by  the  state  university  trustees  as   head   of   such  institution.    d. Review all major plans of the head of such institution for its more  effective  operation  and make such recommendations with respect thereto  as it deems appropriate. Such plans shall be submitted for  approval  by  the  state university trustees, together with the recommendations of the  college trustees with respect thereto.  The  state  university  trustees  shall  determine  what  constitutes  such  major plans, which are hereby  generally defined to include, among others, plans for the  appraisal  or  improvement of the faculty and other personnel, expansion or restriction  of student admissions, appraisal or improvement of academic programs and  of  standards  for  the  earning  of degrees, expansion of institutional  plants and appraisal or improvement of student activities and housing.    e. Make regulations governing the  care,  custody  and  management  of  lands, grounds, buildings and equipment.    f.  Review  the proposed budget requests for such institution prepared  by the head thereof and recommend to the  state  university  trustees  a  budget for such institution.    g.  Foster  the development of advisory citizens' committees to render  such assistance as the college trustees may request, and to appoint  the  members   of  such  citizens'  committees.  Members  of  such  citizens'  committees shall receive no compensation for their services but shall be  reimbursed for the expenses actually and necessarily incurred by them in  the performance of their duties.    h. Name buildings and grounds.    i. Make regulations governing the conduct and behavior of students.    j. Make an annual report to the state university trustees on or before  September first of each year, and report to them from time  to  time  on  any matter it believes requires their attention.    k.  Perform  such  other  powers  and  duties  as may be authorized or  required by the state university trustees by general  rules  or  special  directives.    1.  Make  and  establish,  and from time to time alter and amend, such  regulations  pertaining  to  the  affairs  of   its   institution,   not  inconsistent  with law or the rules of the state university trustees, as  may be necessary or appropriate to carry out effectively  the  foregoing  powers and duties.