4405 - Computing financial responsibility for special educational services for certain children with handicapping conditions.

§ 4405. Computing  financial  responsibility  for  special educational  services  for  certain  children  with   handicapping   conditions.   1.  Maintenance  for  children  with  handicapping conditions in residential  schools under the provisions of this article or state schools under  the  provisions of articles eighty-seven and eighty-eight of this chapter.    a. Maintenance for a student with a disability placed in a residential  school  under  the provisions of this article shall be a charge upon the  social services district wherein such child resides at the time  of  the  commencement  of  the school year for which aid is to be paid. Financial  responsibility for the maintenance of a student with a disability placed  in a state school under the  provisions  of  articles  eighty-seven  and  eighty-eight  of this chapter shall be in accordance with the provisions  of such articles.    b. Expenditures made by a social services district for the maintenance  of a child with a disability placed in a residential  school  under  the  provisions  of  this article, including a child with a disability placed  in a special act school district  by  a  school  district  committee  on  special education pursuant to this article, or a child with a disability  placed  in  a state school under the provisions of articles eighty-seven  and eighty-eight of this chapter shall be subject  to  reimbursement  by  the  state  pursuant to the provisions of subdivision ten of section one  hundred fifty-three of  the  social  services  law.  Expenditures  shall  include  both  direct payments and deductions from state aid made by the  comptroller, if any, in lieu of such direct payments.    c. Expenditures made by a social services district for the maintenance  of a child with a disability placed in a residential  school  under  the  provisions  of  this article, including a child with a disability placed  by a school district committee on special  education  pursuant  to  this  article  in  a special act school district, or a state school subject to  the  provisions  of  articles  eighty-seven  and  eighty-eight  of  this  chapter, shall be subject to twenty percent reimbursement by the child's  school  district  of residence pursuant to the provisions of subdivision  ten of section one hundred fifty-three of the social services  law.  The  amount of such reimbursement shall be a charge upon such school district  of residence.    2.  Transportation  expense.  The transportation expense of each child  with a handicapping  condition  shall  be  aidable  in  accordance  with  subdivision  seven  of  section  thirty-six hundred two of this chapter;  provided, however, that for  the  school  year  commencing  July  first,  nineteen  hundred  seventy-six,  school  districts  shall be apportioned  ninety per centum of the estimated amount of its approved costs of  such  year  for  the  transportation  of children with handicapping conditions  whose transportation was formerly provided under a  family  court  order  and  is now a charge upon the school district, subject to the adjustment  of any errors after the actual costs are ascertained.    3. Computing state financial responsibility for operating expenses for  certain children with handicapping conditions.    a. In addition to any other apportionments  under  the  provisions  of  this  chapter,  there  shall  be  apportioned  to each applicable school  district for each child with a handicapping condition in attendance in a  state school under the provisions of paragraph d of subdivision  two  of  section  forty-four  hundred  one of this article or an approved program  under the provisions of  paragraphs  e,  f,  g,  h,  i  and  l  of  such  subdivision  two, the product of such attendance, computed in accordance  with regulations of the commissioner, and the excess cost aid: an amount  computed by multiplying the excess cost, as defined in  subdivision  six  of section forty-four hundred one of this article by the excess cost aid  ratio defined in subdivision seven of this section.b.  In  addition  to  the  apportionment provided to a school district  pursuant to paragraph a of this subdivision  for  the  attendance  of  a  child  with  a  handicapping  condition  in  a  state  school  under the  provisions of paragraph d  of  subdivision  two  of  section  forty-four  hundred  one  of this article, for each such child in attendance in such  school prior to July first, nineteen  hundred  ninety,  there  shall  be  apportioned an additional amount. Such amount shall equal the product of  the  taper  aidable  cost  multiplied  by the taper aid ratio. The taper  aidable cost shall equal the positive remainder resulting when  (i)  the  apportionment attributable to such child pursuant to paragraph a of this  subdivision  is  subtracted  from  (ii)  the  product  of  such  child's  attendance and the tuition for the state school such child attends.  The  taper  aid  ratio  shall  equal the quotient, computed to three decimals  without rounding, resulting when the positive remainder of one minus the  combined  wealth  ratio,  as  defined  in  subdivision  one  of  section  thirty-six  hundred  two  of  this  chapter  is  divided by seventy-five  one-hundredths. Such aid ratio shall not be less than zero nor more than  one.    c. The  apportionments  to  each  school  district  pursuant  to  this  subdivision shall be based on excess cost paid and attendance during the  base year.    d.  Notwithstanding  sections  thirty-six hundred seven and thirty-six  hundred  nine-a  of  this  chapter,  apportionments  pursuant  to   this  subdivision shall be paid to school districts upon submission of reports  of  attendance  and  approved  tuition  expenditures  filed  in a format  prescribed by the  commissioner  and  shall  be  paid  from  the  annual  apportionment  of  public  moneys  for  the support of public schools in  accordance with section thirty-six hundred nine-b of this chapter.    4. a. The commissioner of education and  the  commissioner  of  social  services  shall  develop reimbursement methodologies for the tuition and  maintenance components of  approved  private  schools  and  special  act  school  districts.  The  commissioner of education, in consultation with  the   appropriate   state   agencies   and   departments,   shall   have  responsibility  for  developing  a reimbursement methodology for tuition  which shall be based upon appropriate educational standards  promulgated  pursuant   to   regulations   of  the  commissioner  of  education.  The  commissioner of social services, in consultation with appropriate  state  agencies  and  departments,  shall  have responsibility for developing a  reimbursement methodology for maintenance,  pursuant  to  section  three  hundred  ninety-eight-a  of  the social services law and the regulations  promulgated thereunder.    b.  The  commissioner  of  education   shall   develop   reimbursement  methodologies  for  the tuition components and, in consultation with the  commissioner of social services, the maintenance components of  the  New  York  state  school  for the blind and the New York state school for the  deaf  based  upon  appropriate   standards   promulgated   pursuant   to  regulations of the commissioner of education.    c.  The  director of the budget, in consultation with the commissioner  of education, the commissioner of social services, and any  other  state  agency  or other source the director may deem appropriate, shall approve  reimbursement  methodologies  for  tuition  and  for  maintenance.   Any  modification  in  the  approved  reimbursement  methodologies  shall  be  subject to the approval of the director of the  budget.  Notwithstanding  any  other provision of law, rule or regulation to the contrary, tuition  rates  established  for  the  nineteen  hundred  ninety-five--ninety-six  school  year  shall  exclude  the  two percent cost of living adjustment  authorized   in   rates   established   for   the    nineteen    hundred  ninety-four--ninety-five school year.d.  Effective upon final approval by the director of the budget of the  reimbursement  methodologies  for  both  tuition  and  maintenance,  the  commissioner  of  education  shall  annually determine a tuition rate in  conformance with this paragraph for each private school and special  act  school district.    e.  Effective upon final approval by the director of the budget of the  reimbursement  methodologies  for  both  tuition  and  maintenance,  the  commissioner  of  social services shall annually determine a maintenance  rate and a medical services rate, in accordance with this paragraph, for  each private school and special act school district where applicable.    f. Effective upon final approval by the director of the budget of  the  reimbursement  methodologies  for  both  tuition  and  maintenance,  the  commissioner of education shall annually determine a tuition  rate  and,  in  consultation with the commissioner of social services, a maintenance  rate and a medical services rate, if  applicable,  in  conformance  with  this subdivision for the New York state school for the blind and the New  York state school for the deaf.    g.  All  reimbursement  rates  determined pursuant to this subdivision  shall be effective for the period July  first  through  June  thirtieth.  Rates  for  the  following  year  shall be submitted no later than April  fifteenth to the director of the budget. The  director  shall  act  upon  such  rates  within  forty-five days of submission. Such rates shall not  become effective until approved by the director of the  budget.  In  the  event  that  the  rates  are  approved after July first, then such rates  shall be deemed to apply retroactively to such date.    h. All  reimbursements  shall  be  subject  to  adjustment  and  final  determination  upon  field  audit conducted by the education department,  the department of social services, the state comptroller  or  any  agent  thereof.    i.  The commissioner of education, the commissioner of social services  and the director of the budget, in consultation with  other  appropriate  state   agencies  and  departments,  shall  enter  into  an  interagency  agreement to assure effective implementation of the provisions  of  this  paragraph.  The  agreement shall provide for, but not be limited to, the  development of common accounting practices and audit procedures,  common  information  and budget forms, coordinated financial and other reporting  requirements for private  schools  and  special  act  school  districts,  mechanisms  for  resolving appeals of rates established pursuant to this  section, and  mechanisms  to  evaluate  and  recommend  modification  to  reimbursement methodologies.    5.  The commissioner shall annually determine the tuition rate and the  commissioner of social services shall annually determine the maintenance  rate for special services or programs provided during the months of July  and August for children with handicapping conditions entitled to  attend  public  schools  without  the  payment  of  tuition  pursuant to section  thirty-two hundred two of this chapter.  The commissioner  of  education  shall  annually  determine  the  tuition  rate, maintenance rate and the  medical services rate, if applicable, for such  children  attending  the  New York state school for the blind or the New York state school for the  deaf  during  the  months  of  July  and  August.  Such  rates  shall be  determined  in  conformance   with   the   reimbursement   methodologies  established  pursuant  to  subdivision four of this section and shall be  subject to the approval of the division of the budget.  Rates  shall  be  determined  for  all  special services or programs as defined in section  forty-four hundred one of this  chapter  and  offered  during  July  and  August.    6. Tuition and maintenance rates established pursuant to this section,  once  certified  by  the  director  of  the budget, shall be used in allcontracts for the provision of programs  and  services  for  which  such  rates  were  established, provided, however, that the commissioner shall  prorate the amount to be paid for an individual  pupil  enrolled  for  a  period  of  time which is less than the full period of time approved for  such program or services.