4404 - Appeal procedures for children with handicapping conditions.

§ 4404. Appeal  procedures  for children with handicapping conditions.  * 1. a. If the parent or person in parental relation of a  student,  the  board  of  education  or trustees of a school district or a state agency  responsible  for  providing  education  to  students  with  disabilities  presents  a  complaint  with  respect  to  any  matter  relating  to the  identification, evaluation or educational placement of  the  student  or  the provision of a free appropriate public education to the student or a  manifestation  determination  or other matter relating to placement upon  discipline of a student with a disability that may be the subject of  an  impartial hearing pursuant to subsection (k) of section fourteen hundred  fifteen  of  title twenty of the United States code and the implementing  federal regulations, and the party presenting  the  complaint  or  their  attorney  provides  a  due  process  complaint notice in accordance with  federal law and regulations and such complaint  sets  forth  an  alleged  violation  that  occurred  not  more  than two years before the date the  parent or public agency knew or should  have  known  about  the  alleged  action that forms the basis for the complaint, the board or agency shall  appoint an impartial hearing officer to review the due process complaint  notice  when  challenged  and,  if  the  matter  is  not  resolved  in a  resolution session that has been convened as required by federal law, to  preside over an impartial due process hearing and make  a  determination  within  such  period  of  time  as  the commissioner by regulation shall  determine, provided that the board of education or trustees shall  offer  the  parent  or  person  in  parental  relation  the option of mediation  pursuant to section forty-four hundred four-a  of  this  article  as  an  alternative  to  an  impartial  hearing.  Where  the parent or person in  parental relation or a school  district  or  public  agency  presents  a  complaint,   the  school  district  or  public  agency  responsible  for  appointing the impartial hearing officer shall  provide  the  parent  or  person  in  parental  relation  with  a  procedural safeguards notice as  required pursuant to subsection (d) of section fourteen hundred  fifteen  of  title  twenty of the United States code and the implementing federal  regulations. Notwithstanding any provision of this  subdivision  to  the  contrary,  the time limitation on presenting a complaint shall not apply  to a parent or person in parental relation to the student if the  parent  or  person  in  parental  relation  was  prevented  from  requesting the  impartial hearing due  to  specific  misrepresentations  by  the  school  district or other public agency that it had resolved the problem forming  the  basis  of  the  complaint  or due to the school district's or other  public agency's withholding of information from the parent or person  in  parental  relation  that  was required under federal law to be provided.  Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to authorize the board of  education or trustees to bring an  impartial  hearing  to  override  the  refusal  of  a  parent or person in parental relation to consent where a  local educational agency is prohibited by federal  law  from  initiating  such a hearing.    b.  If  a resolution session resolves the complaint, the parties shall  execute a legally binding agreement that is signed by both the parent or  person in parental relation and a representative of the school  district  or  public  agency who has the authority to bind such district or agency  and shall be enforceable in any state court of competent jurisdiction or  a United States district court. A party may void such  agreement  within  three business days of the agreement's execution.    c.  Individuals so appointed by a board of education or a state agency  shall be selected from a list of available  impartial  hearing  officers  who  have  successfully  completed an impartial hearing officer training  program conducted by the department according to  a  rotation  selection  process  prescribed  in  regulations  of the commissioner; except that acity school district of a city having a  population  of  more  than  one  million  inhabitants shall be exempt from such regulations to the extent  it maintains its rotational selection process in effect  prior  to  July  first, nineteen hundred ninety-three. A record of proceedings before the  impartial  hearing officer shall be maintained and made available to the  parties, and the hearing shall  be  conducted  in  accordance  with  the  regulations  of  the commissioner. The board of education or trustees of  the school district  or  the  state  agency  responsible  for  providing  education  to students with disabilities shall have the burden of proof,  including the burden of persuasion and burden of production, in any such  impartial hearing, except that a parent or person in  parental  relation  seeking  tuition reimbursement for a unilateral parental placement shall  have  the  burden  of  persuasion  and  burden  of  production  on   the  appropriateness of such placement. The decision of the impartial hearing  officer  shall be binding upon both parties unless appealed to the state  review officer. The commissioner shall establish a  department  training  program which shall be completed to the satisfaction of the commissioner  as  a  condition of certification. Impartial hearing officers shall have  the qualifications specified  in  subsection  (f)  of  section  fourteen  hundred  fifteen  of  title  twenty  of  the  United  States  code,  the  implementing  federal   regulations   and   the   regulations   of   the  commissioner.  The  commissioner  shall promulgate regulations to ensure  that no individual employed by a  school  district,  school  or  program  serving students with disabilities placed by a school district committee  on  special  education  acts as an impartial hearing officer and that no  individual employed by such schools or programs serves as  an  impartial  hearing  officer  for  two  years  following  the  termination  of  such  employment. The commissioner shall promulgate  regulations  establishing  procedures for the suspension or revocation of impartial hearing officer  certification  for  good cause. The commissioner shall establish maximum  rates for the compensation of impartial hearing officers subject to  the  approval of the director of the division of the budget.    d.   The   commissioner   shall  promulgate  regulations  establishing  procedures and timelines for expedited hearings in cases involving:  (1)  review of a decision that a student with a disability's behavior was not  a  manifestation  of  such  student's  disability,  or  (2) review of an  interim alternative educational setting or other placement to the extent  required under federal law, or (3) a request by the school district  for  a  determination  that  maintaining the current educational placement of  the student is substantially likely to result in injury to  the  student  or to others.    * NB Effective until June 30, 2012    * 1.  If  the  recommendation of the committee on special education is  not acceptable to the parent or person in  parental  relationship  of  a  student,  or if the committee or board of education or trustees fails to  make or effectuate such a recommendation within such periods of time  as  may  be  required  by  regulations  of the commissioner, such parents or  persons in parental relationship shall notify the board of education  of  this  situation and the board shall appoint an impartial hearing officer  to hear the appeal and make a determination within such period  of  time  as  the  commissioner  by  regulation shall determine, provided that the  board of education or trustees shall  offer  the  parent  or  person  in  parental  relationship  the  option  of  mediation  pursuant  to section  forty-four hundred four-a of  this  article  as  an  alternative  to  an  impartial  hearing.  Individuals  so  appointed  by a board of education  shall be selected from a list of available  hearing  officers  who  have  successfully  completed  a hearing officer training program conducted by  the department according to a rotation selection process  prescribed  inregulations of the commissioner; except that a city school district of a  city  having  a population of more than one million inhabitants shall be  exempt from such regulations to the extent it maintains  its  rotational  selection  process  in  effect  prior  to  July  first, nineteen hundred  ninety-three. A record of proceedings before the hearing  officer  shall  be  maintained and made available to the parties. The board of education  or trustees of the school district or the state agency  responsible  for  providing  education to students with disabilities shall have the burden  of proof, including the burden of persuasion and burden  of  production,  in  any  such  impartial  hearing,  except  that  a  parent or person in  parental  relation  seeking  tuition  reimbursement  for  a   unilateral  parental  placement  shall  have  the burden of persuasion and burden of  production on the appropriateness of such placement. The decision of the  hearing officer shall be binding upon both parties  unless  appealed  to  the  state review officer. The commissioner shall establish a department  training program which shall be completed to  the  satisfaction  of  the  commissioner  as  a  condition  of certification. The commissioner shall  develop and implement a plan to ensure that no individual employed by  a  school  district,  school  or program serving students with disabilities  placed by a school district committee on special education  acts  as  an  impartial  hearing  officer  and  that  no  individual  employed by such  schools or programs serves as an impartial hearing officer for two years  following the termination of such employment. Such plan shall  be  fully  implemented  no  later than July first, nineteen hundred ninety-six. The  commissioner shall promulgate regulations  establishing  procedures  for  the  suspension or revocation of impartial hearing officer certification  for good cause. The commissioner shall establish maximum rates  for  the  compensation  of  impartial  hearing officers subject to the approval of  the director of the division  of  the  budget.  The  commissioner  shall  promulgate   regulations   establishing  procedures  and  timelines  for  expedited hearings in cases involving: (a) review of a decision  that  a  student  with  a  disability's  behavior was not a manifestation of such  student's  disability,  or  (b)  review  of   an   interim   alternative  educational  setting  or  other  placement  to the extent required under  federal law, or (c) a request by the school district for a determination  that maintaining the current educational placement  of  the  student  is  substantially likely to result in injury to the student or to others.    * NB Effective June 30, 2012    2.  Review  by  state  review  officer.  A state review officer of the  education department shall review and may modify, in such cases  and  to  the extent that the review officer deems necessary, in order to properly  effectuate  the  purposes  of  this  article,  any  determination of the  impartial hearing officer relating to the determination of the nature of  a child's handicapping condition, selection of  an  appropriate  special  education program or service and the failure to provide such program and  require  such  board to comply with the provisions of such modification.  The commissioner shall adopt  regulations  governing  the  practice  and  procedure  in  such  appeals  to  the  state  review  officer; provided,  however, that in no event shall any fee or charge whatsoever be  imposed  for  any  appeal  taken  pursuant  to this subdivision. The state review  officer is empowered to make all orders which are proper or necessary to  give effect to the decision of the review officer.    3. Review of the determination of a  state  review  officer  regarding  children with disabilities.    * a.  Any  final  determination  or  order  of  a state review officer  rendered pursuant to  subdivision  two  of  this  section  may  only  be  reviewed  in  a  proceeding  brought  in  the  supreme court pursuant to  article four of the civil practice law and rules,  and  paragraph  b  ofthis   subdivision,  or  in  United  States  district  court.  Any  such  proceeding shall be commenced within four months after the determination  to be reviewed becomes final and binding on the parties.    * NB Effective until June 30, 2012    * a.  Any  final  determination  or  order  of  a state review officer  rendered pursuant to  subdivision  two  of  this  section  may  only  be  reviewed  in  a  proceeding  brought  in  the  supreme court pursuant to  article four of the civil practice law and rules,  and  paragraph  b  of  this subdivision, or in United States district court.    * NB Effective June 30, 2012    * b.  In  any such proceeding under article four of the civil practice  law and rules,  the  court  may  grant  any  relief  authorized  by  the  provisions  of  rule  four  hundred  eleven of such law and rules, which  shall include any relief available in a civil action under  section  six  hundred  fifteen  of the individuals with disabilities education act (20  U.S.C. section  1415)  and  also  may,  in  its  discretion  remand  the  proceedings to the state review officer for further consideration upon a  finding  that any relevant and material evidence is then available which  was  not  previously  considered  by  the  state  review  officer.  Such  proceeding  shall  be  deemed a proceeding against a body or officer for  purposes of section five hundred six  of  the  civil  practice  law  and  rules.  The  court  shall  receive  the  records  of  the administrative  proceedings, shall hear additional evidence at the request of  a  party,  and  basing  its  decision  on  the preponderance of the evidence, shall  grant the relief that the court determines to be appropriate.    * NB Effective until June 30, 2012    * b. In any such proceeding under article four of the  civil  practice  law  and  rules,  the  court  may  grant  any  relief  authorized by the  provisions of rule four hundred eleven of  such  law  and  rules,  which  shall  include  any relief available in a civil action under section six  hundred fifteen of the individuals with disabilities education  act  (20  U.S.C.  section  1415)  and  also  may,  in  its  discretion  remand the  proceedings to the state review officer for further consideration upon a  finding that any relevant and material evidence is then available  which  was  not  previously  considered  by  the  state  review  officer.  Such  proceeding shall be deemed a proceeding against a body  or  officer  for  purposes  of  sections two hundred seventeen and five hundred six of the  civil practice law and rules. The court shall receive the records of the  administrative  proceedings,  shall  hear  additional  evidence  at  the  request  of a party, and basing its decision on the preponderance of the  evidence, shall grant  the  relief  that  the  court  determines  to  be  appropriate.    * NB Effective June 30, 2012    4.  a.  During  the  pendency of any proceedings conducted pursuant to  this section, other than a proceeding subject to  paragraph  b  of  this  subdivision,  and  during  the  initial  identification,  evaluation and  placement procedure pursuant to this  section  and  during  the  initial  identification,  evaluation  and placement procedure pursuant to section  forty-four hundred two of this article, unless the local school district  and the parents or persons in parental relationship otherwise agree, the  student shall remain in the then current educational placement  of  such  student, or, if applying for initial admission to a public school, shall  be  placed  in the public school program until all such proceedings have  been completed.    * b. For students with disabilities placed in an  interim  alternative  educational  setting  pursuant  to  clause (iv) or (vii) of subparagraph  three of paragraph g of subdivision three of section thirty-two  hundred  fourteen  of  this chapter, during the pendency of proceedings conductedpursuant to this section in which the parents  or  persons  in  parental  relation  challenge  the  interim  alternative  educational setting or a  manifestation determination, the student shall  remain  in  the  interim  alternative  educational  setting  pending the decision of the impartial  hearing officer or until expiration of the time period of the  student's  placement in an interim alternative educational setting, whichever comes  first,  unless  the  local school district and the parents or persons in  parental  relation  otherwise  agree.  After  the  expiration  of   such  placement  in  an interim alternative educational setting, if the school  district proposes to change the student's placement, during the pendency  of any proceedings to challenge the proposed change  in  placement,  the  student shall return to and remain in the current educational placement,  which  shall be the student's placement prior to the interim alternative  educational setting, unless the local school district and the parents or  persons in parental relation otherwise agree or unless as a result of  a  decision  by  an  impartial hearing officer in an expedited hearing, the  interim alternative educational setting is extended for a period not  to  exceed  forty-five school days based on a determination that maintaining  the current educational placement of the student is substantially likely  to result in injury to the student or  to  others.  Such  procedure  for  extension  of an interim alternative educational setting may be repeated  as necessary.    * NB Effective until June 30, 2012    * b. For students with disabilities placed in an  interim  alternative  educational  setting  pursuant  to  clause (iv) or (vii) of subparagraph  three of paragraph g of subdivision three of section thirty-two  hundred  fourteen  of  this chapter, during the pendency of proceedings conducted  pursuant to this section in which the parents  or  persons  in  parental  relationship  challenge the interim alternative educational setting or a  manifestation determination, the student shall  remain  in  the  interim  alternative  educational  setting  pending  the  decision of the hearing  officer or until expiration of the time period of the student's  interim  alternative  placement,  whichever  comes first, unless the local school  district and the parents or persons in parental  relationship  otherwise  agree.  After  the  expiration  of  such interim alternative educational  placement, if the school  district  proposes  to  change  the  student's  placement,  during  the  pendency  of  any  proceedings to challenge the  proposed change in placement, the student shall return to and remain  in  the   current  educational  placement,  which  shall  be  the  student's  placement prior to the interim alternative educational  setting,  unless  the  local  school  district  and  the  parents  or  persons in parental  relationship otherwise agree or unless as a result of a decision  by  an  impartial   hearing   officer  in  an  expedited  hearing,  the  interim  alternative educational  setting  is  extended  or  another  appropriate  placement is ordered for a period not to exceed forty-five days based on  a  determination  that  maintaining the current educational placement of  the student is substantially likely to result in injury to  the  student  or  to  others.  Such  procedure for extension of an interim alternative  educational setting may be repeated as necessary.    * NB Effective June 30, 2012    5. For purposes of this section, to the  extent  required  by  federal  law,  a  student  presumed  to have a disability for discipline purposes  shall be deemed to be a student with a disability  and  the  parents  or  persons  in  parental  relationship  of  a  student  presumed  to have a  disability for discipline purposes  shall  be  afforded  the  procedural  rights  of  the parents or persons in parental relationship of a student  with a disability. Nothing in this section shall be construed to  confer  upon  a  student presumed to have a disability for disciplinary purposesgreater procedural  rights  than  such  student  would  have  under  the  provisions  of  section  six  hundred  fifteen  of  the individuals with  disabilities education act.