2856 - Financing of charter schools.

§  2856.  Financing  of  charter  schools.  1. * (a) The enrollment of  students attending charter schools shall be included in the  enrollment,  attendance,  membership  and,  if  applicable,  count  of  students with  disabilities of the school district in  which  the  pupil  resides.  The  charter  school  shall  report  all such data to the school districts of  residence in a timely manner. Each school  district  shall  report  such  enrollment,  attendance  and  count of students with disabilities to the  department. The school district of residence shall pay directly  to  the  charter  school  for  each  student  enrolled  in the charter school who  resides in the school district the charter school basic  tuition,  which  shall be an amount equal to one hundred percent of the amount calculated  pursuant to paragraph f of subdivision one of section thirty-six hundred  two  of  this  chapter for the school district for the year prior to the  base year increased by the percentage change in the state total approved  operating expense calculated pursuant to paragraph t of subdivision  one  of  section  thirty-six hundred two of this chapter from two years prior  to the base year to the base year; provided, however, that for  the  two  thousand  nine--two  thousand  ten school year, the charter school basic  tuition shall be the amount payable by such district as  charter  school  basic tuition for the two thousand eight--two thousand nine school year.    (b)  The school district shall also pay directly to the charter school  any federal or state aid attributable to a  student  with  a  disability  attending charter school in proportion to the level of services for such  student  with  a disability that the charter school provides directly or  indirectly. Notwithstanding anything in this section  to  the  contrary,  amounts  payable  pursuant to this subdivision from state or local funds  may be reduced pursuant to an  agreement  between  the  school  and  the  charter  entity set forth in the charter. Payments made pursuant to this  subdivision shall be made by the school district  in  six  substantially  equal installments each year beginning on the first business day of July  and  every two months thereafter. Amounts payable under this subdivision  shall be determined by the commissioner. Amounts payable  to  a  charter  school  in its first year of operation shall be based on the projections  of initial-year  enrollment  set  forth  in  the  charter  until  actual  enrollment  data  is  reported  to  the  school  district by the charter  school. Such projections shall be reconciled with the actual  enrollment  as  actual enrollment data is so reported and at the end of the school's  first year of operation and each subsequent year based on a final report  of  actual  enrollment  by  the  charter  school,  and   any   necessary  adjustments  resulting  from such final report shall be made to payments  during the school's following year of operation.    (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of  this  subdivision  to  the  contrary,  payment  of  the federal aid attributable to a student with a  disability attending a charter school shall be made in  accordance  with  the  requirements of section 8065-a of title twenty of the United States  code and sections 76.785-76.799 and 300.209 of title thirty-four of  the  code of federal regulations.    * NB Effective until June 30, 2012    * 1.  The  enrollment  of  students attending charter schools shall be  included in the enrollment, attendance  and,  if  applicable,  count  of  students  with  disabilities  of  the school district in which the pupil  resides. The charter school shall report all such  data  to  the  school  districts  of  residence  in a timely manner. Each school district shall  report  such  enrollment,  attendance  and  count   of   students   with  disabilities  to  the department. The school district of residence shall  pay directly to the charter school for  each  student  enrolled  in  the  charter school who resides in the school district an amount equal to one  hundred  percent  of  the  amount  calculated pursuant to paragraph f ofsubdivision one of section thirty six hundred two of  this  chapter  for  the school district for the year prior to the base year increased by the  percentage   change  in  the  state  total  approved  operating  expense  calculated  pursuant to subdivision eleven of section thirty six hundred  two of this chapter from two years prior to the base year  to  the  base  year;  provided,  however,  that for the two thousand nine--two thousand  ten school year, the charter school basic tuition shall  be  the  amount  payable  by  such  district  as charter school basic tuition for the two  thousand eight--two thousand nine school year. The school district shall  also pay directly to  the  charter  school  any  federal  or  state  aid  attributable  to a student with a disability attending charter school in  proportion to the level of services for such student with  a  disability  that the charter school provides directly or indirectly. Notwithstanding  anything  in  this  section to the contrary, amounts payable pursuant to  this subdivision may be reduced pursuant to  an  agreement  between  the  school  and  the  charter entity set forth in the charter. Payments made  pursuant to this subdivision shall be made by the school district in six  substantially equal  installments  each  year  beginning  on  the  first  business  day  of  July and every two months thereafter. Amounts payable  under this subdivision shall be determined by the commissioner.  Amounts  payable  to  a  charter  school  in its first year of operation shall be  based on the projections of initial-year enrollment  set  forth  in  the  charter. Such projections shall be reconciled with the actual enrollment  at  the  end  of the school's first year of operation, and any necessary  adjustments shall be made to payments during the school's second year of  operation.    * NB Effective June 30, 2012    2. In the event of the failure of the school district to make payments  required by this section, the state comptroller shall  deduct  from  any  state  funds which become due to such school district an amount equal to  the unpaid obligation. The comptroller shall pay over such  sum  to  the  charter  school upon certification of the commissioner. The commissioner  shall  promulgate  regulations  to  implement  the  provisions  of  this  subdivision.    3.  Nothing  in this article shall be construed to prohibit any person  or organization from  providing  funding  or  other  assistance  to  the  establishment or operation of a charter school. The board of trustees of  a  charter  school is authorized to accept gifts, donations or grants of  any kind made to the charter school and to expend  or  use  such  gifts,  donations  or grants in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the  donor; provided, however,  that  no  gift,  donation  or  grant  may  be  accepted  if subject to a condition that is contrary to any provision of  law or term of the charter.