2814 - Omnibus school violence prevention grant program.

§  2814.  Omnibus  school violence prevention grant program. 1. Within  amounts appropriated for implementation of  extended  day  programs  and  school   violence   prevention  programs,  the  commissioner  is  hereby  authorized and directed to award grants on a competitive basis to school  districts. Such grants shall  be  for  one  or  more  of  the  following  pursuant to this section: school safety and violence prevention programs  consistent  with  the  purposes  of  the school safety plans required by  section twenty-eight hundred one-a of  this  article  and  extended  day  activities defined in this section. School districts shall be prohibited  from  using  funds  awarded  pursuant to this section to displace school  district after-school funding in existence as of the effective  date  of  this article.    a. School safety activities. Programs eligible for funding pursuant to  this  section  may  include,  but  not be limited to: (i) safe corridors  programs; (ii) diversity programs;  (iii)  collaborative  school  safety  programs with law enforcement agencies or community-based organizations;  (iv)  metal  detectors,  intercom  and  other intra-school communication  devices and other devices to increase school security and the safety  of  school   personnel   and   students;   (v)   other   programs  including  comprehensive  school-based  intervention  models,   approved   by   the  commissioner,   that   reduce   violence   and  improve  school  safety.  Comprehensive school based intervention models shall coordinate with and  collaborate with other services currently being provided in  the  school  district,   incorporate   appropriate  school  violence  prevention  and  intervention services, and coordinate  appropriate  funding  sources  to  ensure   the   efficient   delivery   of  services.  Such  comprehensive  school-based intervention models shall also include provisions  for  the  involvement   of   teachers,   parents,  school  administrators  in  the  development and implementation of  the  program,  a  detailed  statement  identifying   specific  performance  goals,  a  proposed  timetable  for  implementation and achievement of such  goals  and  specific  assessment  methods which will be used to measure student and school progress.    b. Extended day activities. (i) Eligible extended day activities under  this  paragraph  shall  be  for  programs  conducted outside the regular  school  day  whereby  students  can  participate  in  extra   curricular  enrichment  activities  including but not limited to athletics, academic  enrichment, art, music, drama, academic tutoring,  mentoring,  community  services and related programs that will increase student achievement and  contribute  to  school  violence  prevention.  Such activities conducted  outside the regular school day shall be offered collaboratively  between  not-for-profit educational organizations, community based organizations,  other  agencies  approved  by  the commissioner and public elementary or  secondary schools, and where applicable, school districts.    (ii) Grantees receiving  funding  pursuant  to  this  subdivision  may  expend  no  more  than  five percent of grants for administration and no  more than five percent for grantee training.    2. In the event the appropriation for the purposes of this section  in  any year is insufficient to pay all claims pursuant to this subdivision,  the  commissioner  shall  pay  such claims on a prorated basis among all  districts filing such claims until the appropriation is exhausted.    3. Programs supported by grants pursuant to this section shall not  be  eligible aid pursuant to any other provision of this chapter.