2801-A - School safety plans.

§  2801-a. School safety plans. 1. The board of education or trustees,  as defined in section two of this  chapter,  of  every  school  district  within  the  state,  however  created,  and  every  board of cooperative  educational services and county vocational education and extension board  and the chancellor of the city school district of the city of  New  York  shall  adopt  and amend a comprehensive district-wide school safety plan  and building-level school safety plans  regarding  crisis  intervention,  emergency  response  and  management,  provided  that in the city school  district of the city of New York, such plans shall  be  adopted  by  the  chancellor of the city school district. Such plans shall be developed by  a  district-wide  school  safety team and a building-level school safety  team established pursuant to subdivision four of this section and  shall  be  in  a  form  developed  by the commissioner in consultation with the  division of criminal justice services, the superintendent of  the  state  police  and  any  other  appropriate  state  agencies. A school district  having only one school building, shall develop a  single  building-level  school  safety  plan,  which  shall  also  fulfill  all requirements for  development of a district-wide plan.    2. Such comprehensive district-wide safety plan shall be developed  by  the district-wide school safety team and shall include at a minimum:    a. policies and procedures for responding to implied or direct threats  of  violence  by  students,  teachers, other school personnel as well as  visitors to the school;    b. policies and procedures for  responding  to  acts  of  violence  by  students,  teachers,  other  school personnel as well as visitors to the  school, including consideration of zero-tolerance  policies  for  school  violence;    c. appropriate prevention and intervention strategies such as:    (i)  collaborative  arrangements  with state and local law enforcement  officials, designed to ensure that  school  safety  officers  and  other  security  personnel  are  adequately trained, including being trained to  de-escalate potentially violent  situations,  and  are  effectively  and  fairly recruited;    (ii) non-violent conflict resolution training programs;    (iii) peer mediation programs and youth courts; and    (iv) extended day and other school safety programs;    d.  policies and procedures for contacting appropriate law enforcement  officials in the event of a violent incident;    e. policies  and  procedures  for  contacting  parents,  guardians  or  persons  in  parental  relation  to  the students of the district in the  event of a violent incident;    f. policies and  procedures  relating  to  school  building  security,  including  where  appropriate  the  use of school safety officers and/or  security devices or procedures;    g. policies  and  procedures  for  the  dissemination  of  informative  materials   regarding   the   early  detection  of  potentially  violent  behaviors, including but not limited to the  identification  of  family,  community and environmental factors, to teachers, administrators, school  personnel,  persons  in  parental  relation to students of the district,  students  and  other  persons  deemed  appropriate   to   receive   such  information;    h. policies and procedures for annual school safety training for staff  and students;    i.   protocols   for  responding  to  bomb  threats,  hostage-takings,  intrusions and kidnappings;    j. strategies for improving communication among students  and  between  students  and staff and reporting of potentially violent incidents, such  as the establishment of youth-run  programs,  peer  mediation,  conflictresolution,  creating  a  forum  or  designating  a  mentor for students  concerned with bullying or violence and establishing anonymous reporting  mechanisms for school violence; and    k.  a  description of the duties of hall monitors and any other school  safety personnel, the training required of all  personnel  acting  in  a  school  security  capacity, and the hiring and screening process for all  personnel acting in a school security capacity.    3. A school emergency response plan, developed by  the  building-level  school  safety  team  defined in subdivision four of this section, shall  include the following elements:    a. policies and  procedures  for  the  safe  evacuation  of  students,  teachers,  other  school  personnel as well as visitors to the school in  the event of a serious violent incident or other emergency, which  shall  include   evacuation   routes  and  shelter  sites  and  procedures  for  addressing medical needs, transportation and emergency  notification  to  persons  in  parental  relation  to  a  student.  For  purposes  of this  subdivision, "serious violent incident" means  an  incident  of  violent  criminal  conduct  that  is,  or  appears  to  be,  life threatening and  warrants  the  evacuation  of  students  and/or  staff,  as  defined  in  regulations  of  the  commissioner  developed  in  conjunction  with the  division of criminal justice services;    b. designation of an  emergency  response  team  comprised  of  school  personnel,  local  law  enforcement  officials, and representatives from  local  regional  and/or  state  emergency   response   agencies,   other  appropriate  incident  response teams, and a post-incident response team  that includes appropriate school personnel,  medical  personnel,  mental  health  counselors  and  others  who  can assist the school community in  coping with the aftermath of a violent incident;    c. procedures for assuring that crisis response  and  law  enforcement  officials  have  access  to floor plans, blueprints, schematics or other  maps of the school  interior,  school  grounds  and  road  maps  of  the  immediate surrounding area;    d.  establishment  of  internal  and external communication systems in  emergencies;    e. definition of the chain of command in a manner consistent with  the  national interagency incident management system/incident command system;    f. coordination of the school safety plan with the state-wide plan for  disaster  mental health services to assure that the school has access to  federal, state and local mental health  resources  in  the  event  of  a  violent incident;    g. procedures for review and the conduct of drills and other exercises  to test components of the emergency response plan; and    h.  policies and procedures for securing and restricting access to the  crime scene in order to preserve evidence in cases of violent crimes  on  school property.    4.  Each  district-wide  school  safety team shall be appointed by the  board of education, or the chancellor in the case  of  the  city  school  district  of  the city of New York, and shall include but not be limited  to representatives of the school board, student, teacher, administrator,  and parent organizations, school  safety  personnel,  and  other  school  personnel.  Each building-level school safety team shall be appointed by  the building principal, in accordance  with  regulations  or  guidelines  prescribed  by  the  board  of  education, chancellor or other governing  body. Such building-level teams shall include  but  not  be  limited  to  representatives  of  teacher,  administrator,  and parent organizations,  school safety personnel and other school personnel,  community  members,  local  law  enforcement  officials,  local  ambulance or other emergencyresponse agencies, and any other representatives the board of education,  chancellor or other governing body deems appropriate.    5. Each safety plan shall be reviewed by the appropriate school safety  team on at least an annual basis, and updated as needed.    6.  Each  board of education, chancellor or other governing body shall  make each district-wide and building-level school safety plan  available  for  public comment at least thirty days prior to its adoption, provided  that only a summary of each building-level emergency response plan shall  be  made  available  for  public   comment.   Such   district-wide   and  building-level  plans  may  be adopted by the school board only after at  least one public hearing that provides for the participation  of  school  personnel,  parents,  students  and  any  other interested parties. Each  district shall file a copy of  its  district-wide  comprehensive  safety  plan  with  the  commissioner  and  all amendments to such plan shall be  filed with the commissioner  no  later  than  thirty  days  after  their  adoption.  A  copy of each building-level safety plan and any amendments  thereto, shall be filed  with  the  appropriate  local  law  enforcement  agency  and  with  the  state police within thirty days of its adoption.  Building-level emergency response plans shall be confidential and  shall  not  be  subject  to disclosure under article six of the public officers  law or any other provision of law. If the board of education, chancellor  or other governing body  or  chancellor  fails  to  file  such  plan  as  required  by this section, the commissioner may, in an amount determined  by the commissioner, withhold public money from the district  until  the  district is in compliance.    7.  The  commissioner  may  grant a waiver of the requirements of this  section to any school  district  or  board  of  cooperative  educational  services for a period of up to two years from the date of enactment upon  a  finding  by  the  commissioner  that  such  district  had  adopted  a  comprehensive school safety plan on the effective date of  this  section  which  is  in  substantial  compliance  with  the  requirements  of this  section.    8. The commissioner shall annually report  to  the  governor  and  the  legislature  on the implementation and compliance with the provisions of  this section.    9. Whenever it shall have been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the  commissioner that a school district  has  failed  to  adopt  a  code  of  conduct  which  fully satisfies the requirements of section twenty-eight  hundred one of this article, or a school safety plan which satisfies the  requirements of this section, or to faithfully and completely  implement  either  or  both,  the  commissioner  may,  on thirty days notice to the  district, withhold from the district monies to be paid to such  district  for  the  current  school  year  pursuant  to section thirty-six hundred  nine-a of this chapter, exclusive of monies to be  paid  in  respect  of  obligations  to the retirement systems for school and district staff and  pursuant to collective bargaining agreements, or  the  commissioner  may  direct the district to expend up to such amount upon the development and  implementation of a code of conduct and a school district safety plan as  required by such sections. Prior to such withholding or redirection, the  commissioner  shall  provide  the  district  an  opportunity  to present  evidence of extenuating circumstances; when combined with evidence  that  the  district  shall promptly comply within short time frames that shall  be established by the commissioner as part of an agreement  between  the  district and the commissioner, the commissioner may temporarily stay the  withholding  or  redirection  of  funds  pending  implementation of such  agreement.  If  the  district  promptly  and  fully  complies  with  the  agreement  and  is  in  full  compliance  with  this section and section  twenty-eight hundred one of this article, the commissioner  shall  abatethe  withholding in its entirety. Any failure to meet the obligations of  the  compliance  agreement  by  the  district  within  the  time  frames  established  shall be considered a willful violation of a commissioner's  order  by  the members of the district board for purposes of subdivision  one of section three hundred six of the education  law.  Notwithstanding  any  other law, rule or regulation, such transfer shall take effect upon  filing of a notice thereof with the  director  of  the  budget  and  the  chairs of the senate finance and assembly ways and means committees.