2579 - Payment of obligations.

§ 2579. Payment  of obligations.  1. If a city shall issue obligations  for any of the purposes enumerated in paragraph c of subdivision one  of  section  twenty-five  hundred seventy-six of this chapter, the principal  and interest of such obligations shall be paid out of moneys  raised  by  tax  therefor in the same manner as other school moneys are raised, when  such obligations and the interest thereon shall become due and payable.    2. If a city having a population of four hundred thousand or more  but  less  than one million shall issue obligations to defray, in whole or in  part, the expense of the  construction,  improvement  and  equipment  of  school  buildings  or  the  purchase or acquisition of school sites, the  proceeds of the sale of such bonds shall be paid into  the  treasury  of  the  city  and  placed  to the credit of the board of education. As such  obligations become due the  municipal  authorities  of  the  city  shall  include  in  the tax levy, and assess upon the property of the city, the  amount necessary to pay such bonds and interest thereon.    3. In a city having a population of one million or more, such city may  in its discretion annually cause to be raised such sums of money as  may  be  required  for  the purposes enumerated in paragraph c of subdivision  one of section twenty-five hundred seventy-six of this article,  in  the  manner provided by law for the raising of money for such purposes.