2565 - Superintendent of schools, associate superintendents, board of superintendents.

§ 2565. Superintendent of schools, associate superintendents, board of  superintendents.    1. The superintendent or an associate superintendent  of schools of  a  city  in  office  on  June  eighth,  nineteen  hundred  seventeen,  shall hold his position for the term for which he was chosen  and until  his  successor  is  chosen.  A  superintendent  or  associate  superintendent  appointed  after  such date shall hold his position in a  city having a population of two hundred fifty thousand  or  more  for  a  period  not to exceed four years from the date of his appointment and in  all cities subject to the pleasure of the  board  of  education,  except  that  in all other cities the superintendent of schools may be appointed  for a term of not to exceed five  years,  provided  that  the  terms  or  provisions of any employment contract between the superintendent and the  board  of  education  relating to an increase in salary, compensation or  other benefits, shall not be based on  or  tied  to  the  terms  of  any  contract  or collective bargaining agreement that the board of education  has or will enter with the teachers or other  employees  of  the  school  district.    2.    A  superintendent  or an associate superintendent may vacate his  position by filing a written resignation with the  board  of  education.  No  person  shall  be  eligible  to  the  position  of superintendent of  schools, deputy superintendent of schools, associate  superintendent  of  schools,  assistant superintendent of schools or other superintendent of  schools or member of a board of examiners in  a  city  unless  he  shall  possess  or be entitled to a superintendent's certificate as provided in  section three thousand three of this chapter.    3. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions one and two of  this  section,  the  superintendent  of  schools  of the Rochester city school  district shall  serve  at  the  pleasure  of  the  board  of  education;  provided, however, that such term shall, in no event, exceed a period of  four years.