2529 - Tax election.

§ 2529. Tax  election.    The  board  of  education may call a special  election in the manner provided in article fifty-three of  this  chapter  and  submit to the qualified voters of the school district a proposition  to expend a sum of money in excess of twenty-five thousand  dollars  for  an  addition  to,  or  change  of  site,  or  purchase  of a new site or  structure, or for grading  or  improving  a  school  site,  or  for  the  purchase  of  lands and buildings for agricultural, athletic, playground  or social center purposes, or for building any new school,  or  for  the  erection  of  an  addition  to  any school, or for the reconstruction or  repair of any school.   Such expenditures, when made  pursuant  to  this  section, shall be made only during the fiscal year for which a tax is to  be  levied.    The provisions of article fifty-three shall apply to such  elections.