2209 - Salary of district superintendent.

§   2209.   Salary   of  district  superintendent.  1.    Each  district  superintendent  shall  receive  an  annual  salary  from  the  state  of  forty-three  thousand  four  hundred ninety-nine dollars, payable by the  commissioner of education from moneys appropriated therefor, and  in  no  event  shall  any  moneys  in  excess  of  such  amount be paid for such  salaries unless this section is amended or explicitly notwithstood.    2.  The supervisors of the towns composing  any  supervisory  district  may  by  adopting a resolution by a majority vote increase the salary to  be  paid  by  such  district  to  its  district  superintendent.    Such  supervisors  must  thereupon  file  with  the  clerk  of  the  board  of  supervisors a certificate showing the amount  of  such  increase.    The  board  of  supervisors of each county shall levy such amount annually by  tax on the towns composing such supervisory district within the county.