2017 - Division of union free school district into election districts.

§ 2017. Division   of   union   free  school  district  into  election  districts.   1. In  any  union  free  school  district  having  personal  registration of voters pursuant to section two thousand fourteen of this  chapter,  the  board  of  education  may  upon its own motion divide the  school district into election districts, and shall upon the petition  of  twenty-five  qualified  voters  of  the district, or five percent of the  voters who voted in the previous annual election of the members  of  the  board  of  education,  whichever is greater, cause to be submitted at an  annual or special meeting, a proposition to divide such school  district  into  election  districts  provided,  however,  that  in  each  election  district the number of qualified  voters  shall  at  least  equal  three  hundred.    2. If it is determined to divide the district into election districts,  the  board  of  education shall immediately thereafter and not less than  thirty days prior to an annual or special meeting  or  election,  within  such district, adopt a resolution dividing the school district into such  number  of  election  districts as the board of education may determine.  The school district shall be  so  divided  that  if  circumstances  will  permit,  there shall be a schoolhouse in each election district or in as  many of such election districts as possible. The election  districts  so  formed  shall  continue in existence until modified by resolution of the  board of  education.  Such  resolution  shall  accurately  describe  the  boundaries  of  each  such  district by streets, alleys and highways, or  otherwise. School meetings and elections shall thereafter be held so far  as may be possible in the public schoolhouses  within  any  such  school  election  district.  The  board  of  education shall designate the place  within each election district where the meeting  or  election  shall  be  held.