2012 - Qualifications of voters at district meetings.

§ 2012. Qualifications of voters at district meetings.  A person shall  be  entitled  to vote at any school meeting or election for the election  of school district officers, and upon all other  matters  which  may  be  brought  before  such  meeting or election, who is: 1.  A citizen of the  United States.    2. Eighteen years of age.    3. A resident within the district for a period  of  thirty  days  next  preceding the meeting or election at which he offers to vote.    4.  No  person  shall  have  the  right to register for or vote at any  school meeting or election who would not be qualified to register for or  vote at an election in accordance with the provisions of  section  5-106  of the election law.    No person shall be deemed to be ineligible to vote at any such meeting  or election, by reason of sex, who has the other qualifications required  by  this  section;  and notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this  section, no Indian eighteen years of age or over who, having  been  born  in  the  United  States  to  a member of an Indian tribe, or having been  naturalized or otherwise acquired citizenship, shall have resided on  an  Indian  reservation  in  the  state  for  a  period  of thirty days next  preceding the meeting or election at which he  offers  to  vote  or  the  spouse  of  such  Indian  shall be deemed ineligible to vote at any such  meeting or election of  the  school  district  where  the  majority,  as  determined   by  the  commissioner,  of  the  Indian  children  of  such  reservation are being educated under a contract pursuant to  subdivision  two  of  section  forty-one hundred one of this chapter, except that the  parents or guardians of Indian children  of  such  reservation  who  are  being  educated  in  the  schools  of a district other than the district  which educates the majority of such children, shall be eligible to  vote  only in the district where their children are being so educated.