1502 - Passengers on school buses.

§ 1502. Passengers  on  school buses. 1. Boards of education of school  districts located entirely or partially in any county with less than two  hundred thousand population or any town which has a population  of  less  than  one hundred fifty persons per square mile are hereby authorized to  permit the following persons to ride as passengers on school buses  with  pupils:  residents  who  are enrolled in education or training programs,  including,  but  not  limited  to,   alternative   education   programs,  vocational,  apprenticeship  and  job  training programs, and on-the-job  training; children under the age of five traveling between home and  day  care  or  preschool programs; and employees of school districts or other  educational or training institutions.    2. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to  the  contrary,  the  board  of education of any school district located entirely or partially  in any county with less than two hundred thousand population or any town  which has a population of less than one hundred fifty persons per square  mile is hereby  authorized  and  empowered,  in  order  to  protect  the  interests  of  pupils,  to  adopt  rules and regulations under which any  person would be permitted to ride as a passenger on any school bus  that  provides  pupil  transportation  for such district during the hours such  bus is transporting pupils to and from classes providing:    a. such person makes application to the school district, in accordance  with the rules and regulations of the district, and such application  is  approved by the board of education;    b.  there  is  regularly sufficient space on such school bus to permit  all pupils to be seated while such bus is in operation;    c. any amount charged such person does not  exceed  the  cost  to  the  district for transporting a pupil the same distance.    3.  Any  rules  and  regulations adopted pursuant to the provisions of  this section may, among other things, establish the  maximum  number  of  persons other than pupils that may ride any bus.    4. Any person authorized in subdivision one of this section to ride as  a  passenger  on  school  buses  with pupils, may also ride on buses not  owned by the school district  but  used  for  transportation  of  pupils  pursuant  to contract, provided the school district and the owner of the  bus agree upon any amount to be charged such person. Such agreement  may  include an amount to be paid to the bus owner or school district.    5.  In  the  event  any  person  is authorized to ride on school buses  pursuant to the provisions of this section, the  school  district  shall  maintain  records  indicating  the number of such trips and any revenues  collected  therefrom.   Any   funds   collected   for   such   non-pupil  transportation  as  authorized  by  this section shall be credited to an  account so designated.