412 - Condemnation of schoolhouse and erection of new schoolhouse in place thereof.

§  412. Condemnation of schoolhouse and erection of new schoolhouse in  place thereof. 1. A district superintendent, upon the direction  of  the  commissioner,  may make an order condemning a school house, if he or she  finds upon examination that such schoolhouse is wholly unfit for use and  not worth repairing. He or she shall deliver such order to a trustee  of  the  district and transmit a copy thereof to the commissioner. He or she  shall also state in such order the date on which it  shall  take  effect  and  the  sum  which  in his or her opinion will be necessary to erect a  school building available to the needs of the district.    2. Immediately upon the receipt of said order, the  trustees  of  such  district shall call a special meeting of the voters of said district, to  consider  the  question  of  building  a new schoolhouse therein.   Such  meeting shall have power to determine the size of said schoolhouse,  the  material  to  be  used  in  its erection, and to vote a tax to build the  same. But such meeting shall have no power to reduce the  estimate  made  by  the  district  superintendent aforesaid by more than twenty-five per  centum of such estimate.    3. And where no tax for building  such  schoolhouse  shall  have  been  voted  by  such district within thirty days from the time of holding the  first meeting to consider the question, it shall  be  the  duty  of  the  trustees  of such district to contract for the building of a schoolhouse  capable of accommodating the children of the district, and to levy a tax  to pay for the same, which tax shall not exceed  the  sum  estimated  as  necessary  by the district superintendent aforesaid, and which shall not  be less than such estimated sum by  more  than  twenty-five  per  centum  thereof.  But  such  estimated  sum  may  be increased at any subsequent  school meeting legally held in the district.