409-I - Procurement and use of environmentally-sensitive cleaning and maintenance products.

§ 409-i. Procurement and use of environmentally-sensitive cleaning and  maintenance  products.  1. For the purpose of this section the following  terms shall mean:    (a) "Elementary  or  secondary  school"  means  a  facility  used  for  instruction  of  elementary  or  secondary  students  by: (i) any school  district, including a special act school  district  and  a  city  school  district  in  a  city  having  a  population  of one hundred twenty-five  thousand inhabitants or more, (ii) a board  of  cooperative  educational  services,  (iii)  a  charter school, (iv) an approved private school for  the education of  students  with  disabilities,  (v)  a  state-supported  school for the deaf or blind operated pursuant to article eighty-five of  this  chapter,  and  (vi)  any  other private or parochial elementary or  secondary school.    (b)  "Environmentally-sensitive  cleaning  and  maintenance  products"  means  those  cleaning  and  maintenance  products that minimize adverse  impacts on children's health and the environment.    (c)  "Facility"  means  any  school  building  or  facility  used  for  instructional  purposes  and the surrounding grounds or other sites used  for playgrounds, athletics or other instructional purposes.    2. The commissioner of general  services,  in  consultation  with  the  commissioner and the commissioners of environmental conservation, health  and  labor,  shall  establish and from time to time amend guidelines and  specifications for environmentally-sensitive  cleaning  and  maintenance  products  for use in elementary and secondary school facilities. For the  purpose of developing  appropriate  criteria  for  such  guidelines  and  specifications,  such  commissioners  shall review and evaluate existing  research regarding environmentally-sensitive  cleaning  and  maintenance  products,  including but not limited to, research and guidance issued by  the United States environmental protection agency and the office of  the  federal  environmental  executive.  In  developing  such guidelines, the  commissioner of general services shall  provide  public  notice  and  an  opportunity  to comment. Such guidelines shall be followed by elementary  and secondary schools to identify and procure  environmentally-sensitive  cleaning  and  maintenance  products  which  are  available in the form,  function and utility generally used by elementary and secondary  schools  in their facilities.    3.  The  commissioner  of  general  services  shall disseminate to all  elementary and secondary schools guidelines and specifications  for  the  purchase  and  use of environmentally-sensitive cleaning and maintenance  products  in  elementary  and  secondary  schools  for  use   in   their  facilities.  The commissioner of general services shall also prepare and  disseminate to all elementary and secondary schools  a  sample  list  of  such  environmentally-sensitive  cleaning  and maintenance products that  meet these guidelines or specifications.  The  commissioner  of  general  services  shall  provide  assistance  and  guidance  to  elementary  and  secondary schools in carrying out  the  requirements  of  this  section.  Elementary   and   secondary   schools  shall  follow  such  guidelines,  specifications and sample list when purchasing cleaning and  maintenance  products for use in their facilities.    4.  Elementary  and  secondary schools shall notify their personnel of  the availability of such guidelines, specifications and sample list.    5. On or before June first, two thousand  seven,  the  department,  in  consultation  with  the office of general services, shall issue a report  providing  an  analysis  of  the   impact   of   such   guidelines   and  specifications    on    the   purchasing,   procurement   and   use   of  environmentally-sensitive   cleaning   and   maintenance   products   by  elementary and secondary schools. Nothing in this section shall preclude  an  elementary  or secondary school from depleting existing cleaning andmaintenance supply stores purchased prior to the effective date of  this  section.