409-F - Electrically operated partition and door safety.

§ 409-f. Electrically operated partition and door safety. The board of  education, trustees, principal or other person in charge of every public  or  private  school or educational institution within the state, wherein  classrooms or other facilities  used  by  students  are  found  to  have  electrically  operated partitions, doors or room dividers, shall arrange  for, and require, that:    1. Appropriate and conspicuous notice regarding the  safe  and  proper  operation  and  supervision  of  the  electrical  device  operating such  partition, door or room divider is posted in the immediate  vicinity  of  the operating mechanism;    2. There is established a procedure for the notification of all school  employees and all other persons who regularly make use of the area where  such  device  is  located  of  the  safe  and  proper  procedure for the  operation of the mechanism and of the applicable penalties for disabling  safety equipment required pursuant to this section; and    3. Every electrically operated partition  or  room  divider  shall  be  equipped  with safety devices which, subject to standards established in  rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner, stop the  forward  motion  of the partition or room divider and stop the stacking motion of  the partition or room divider when a body  passes  between  the  leading  panel of such partition or divider and a wall, or when a body is present  in the stacking area of such partition or divider.    Any  person  who  disables  or  directs  another person to disable any  safety equipment required pursuant to this section shall be guilty of  a  violation  punishable  by  not more than fifteen days imprisonment, or a  fine  not  to  exceed  one  hundred  dollars,  or  both  such  fine  and  imprisonment.