409-B - Use of mercury vapor or metal halide lamps within school buildings.

§ 409-b. Use  of  mercury  vapor  or  metal halide lamps within school  buildings.  1. Every new or replacement mercury vapor  or  metal  halide  lamp  which  is  used  within  any school building in the state, for the  purpose of providing illumination,  shall  be  of  the  safety  type  or  variety  which  self-extinguishes upon the breaking, cracking or removal  of the outer shield protecting the lamp or  if  such  self-extinguishing  variety  is  not  available,  each  such  lamp  or  its fixture shall be  equipped with a  shield  adequate  to  protect  against  and  to  absorb  ultraviolet  radiation  if  the  lamp  were to break or become defective  within the shielded fixture.    2. Jurisdiction is hereby conferred on the commissioner  in  order  to  provide   for   the  enforcement  of  this  section  through  rules  and  regulations which the commissioner shall establish.