409-A - Eye safety devices for certain students and teachers.

§ 409-a. Eye safety devices for certain students and teachers.  1. The  board  of  education,  trustees,  principal or other person in charge of  every public or private school or  educational  institution  within  the  state,   wherein   shops   or   laboratories   are  conducted  providing  instructional or experimental programs involving:    a. Hot solids, liquids or molten metals; or    b. Milling, sawing, turning, shaping,  cutting,  or  stamping  of  any  solid materials; or    c.  Heat  treatment,  tempering,  or kiln firing of any metal or other  materials; or    d. Gas or electric arc welding; or    e. Repair or servicing of any vehicle; or    f. Caustic or explosive chemicals or materials, shall arrange for  and  require,  in accordance with regulations of the commissioner, that every  student and teacher participating in any such program  wear  eye  safety  devices  at  the  times  and  under  the  conditions  prescribed in such  regulations.    2. The commissioner shall by regulation prescribe the safety standards  to be met before the use of any eye safety device may  be  required  and  shall include in such regulations requirements relating to the times and  conditions when and under which such eye safety devices shall be worn.    3.  Visitors to such shops or laboratories shall be furnished with and  required to wear such eye safety devices at  the  times  and  under  the  conditions  prescribed  in  such  regulations  while  in  such  shops or  laboratories.