408-A - Plans and specifications for construction of new school buildings.

§ 408-a. Plans  and  specifications  for  construction  of  new school  buildings.  1. The commissioner of general services, after  consultation  with  the  commissioner  of education and subject to the approval of the  director of the budget, shall promptly prepare or acquire as many master  sets of complete plans and specifications for the  construction  of  new  school  buildings  and  appurtenant facilities as shall be sufficient to  provide at least six different master sets each for  elementary,  junior  high  and high schools, based on the number of pupils to be accommodated  therein. Such plans and  specifications  shall  be  prepared  so  as  to  provide  adequate classrooms and other necessary space and facilities at  the lowest  cost  consistent  with  sound  construction  principles  and  practices,  and  the  attainment  of  educational  objectives, and shall  provide for heating, ventilation, lighting, sanitation and health,  fire  and  accident  protection  adequate  to  maintain  healthful,  safe, and  comfortable conditions therein. Such plans and specifications  shall  be  so  prepared  that  any  possible  future  addition  to  any such school  building may be economically effectuated. In addition, the  commissioner  of  general  services shall, as often as he deems advisable but at least  annually, review such master  sets  and,  after  consultation  with  the  commissioner  of  education,  and subject to approval of the director of  the budget, may revise or cancel any of such sets or prepare new sets.    2. The commissioner shall cause duplicates of such  master  plans  and  specifications  to  be made, and he shall furnish the same to any school  district making a request therefor for a reasonable charge sufficient to  cover the cost of reproducing such plans and specifications.    3. Plans and specifications prepared and  furnished  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  this  section  may  be  adopted  and  used in any school  district as the plans and specifications for the construction of any new  school building or appurtenant facility hereafter to be erected.    4. Nothing herein contained shall preclude any  school  district  from  retaining  an  architect  and/or  engineer in connection with the use of  such master plans and specifications.