353 - State university trustees.

§ 353. State  university  trustees.  1.  The state university shall be  governed, and all of its corporate  powers  exercised,  by  a  board  of  trustees. Such board shall consist of seventeen members, fifteen of whom  shall  be  appointed  by the governor with the advice and consent of the  senate, one of whom shall be the president of the  student  assembly  of  the  state  university,  ex-officio and voting, and one of whom shall be  the  president  of  the  university  faculty  senate,   ex-officio   and  non-voting.  Such ex-officio members shall be subject to every provision  of any general, special, or local law, ordinance, charter,  code,  rule,  or  regulation applying to the voting members of such board with respect  to the discharge of their duties, including, but not limited  to,  those  provisions  setting  forth codes of ethics, disclosure requirements, and  prohibiting business and professional  activities.  One  member  of  the  board  shall  be  designated  by  the governor as chairperson and one as  vice-chairperson. Of the members first appointed, two shall be appointed  for a term which  shall  expire  on  June  thirtieth,  nineteen  hundred  fifty-two; one for a term which shall expire on June thirtieth, nineteen  hundred  fifty-three;  two  for  a  term  which  shall  expire  on  June  thirtieth, nineteen hundred fifty-four;  one  for  a  term  which  shall  expire  on  June  thirtieth, nineteen hundred fifty-five; two for a term  which shall expire on June thirtieth, nineteen  hundred  fifty-six;  one  for  a  term  which  shall  expire  on  June thirtieth, nineteen hundred  fifty-seven; two for a  term  which  shall  expire  on  June  thirtieth,  nineteen  hundred fifty-eight; one for a term which shall expire on June  thirtieth, nineteen hundred fifty-nine;  two  for  a  term  which  shall  expire  on  June  thirtieth,  nineteen hundred sixty; and one for a term  which shall  expire  on  June  thirtieth,  nineteen  hundred  sixty-one.  Vacancies  shall  be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as  original appointments. The term of office of each trustee  appointed  on  or  after April first, nineteen hundred eighty-six shall be seven years,  except those of the student member  and  the  faculty  member.  Trustees  shall receive no compensation for their services but shall be reimbursed  for  their  expenses  actually  and  necessarily incurred by them in the  performance of their duties under this article.    2. a. The board may provide for regular meetings, and the chairman, or  the vice-chairman, or any eight members by petition,  may  at  any  time  call  a  special  meeting  of the board of trustees and fix the time and  place therefor; and at least seven days notice of every meeting shall be  mailed to the usual address of  each  trustee,  unless  such  notice  be  waived  by a majority of the board. Resolutions for the consideration of  the board of trustees must be  mailed  to  the  usual  address  of  each  trustee  no  less  than  seven days prior to a meeting, unless the chair  shall make available in writing on the day  of  the  meeting  the  facts  which necessitate an immediate vote. Eight trustees attending shall be a  quorum  for  the transaction of business and, unless a greater number is  required by the by-laws, the act of a majority of the members present at  any meeting shall be the act of the board. The board shall hold at least  two public hearings each year. One public hearing shall be  held  during  the  spring  semester  and  one public hearing shall be held in the fall  semester. The purpose of such hearings shall be to receive testimony and  statements from concerned individuals about university issues. The board  shall fix the time, place, duration and format of each hearing. At least  three members of the board shall attend each hearing.  At  least  thirty  days  notice  of the hearing shall be given by the chairman of the board  to all members of  the  board,  to  all  presidents  of  state  operated  campuses,  to  the  chair  of  faculty-senate  bodies  of state operated  campuses,  to  all  student  government  presidents  of  state  operated  campuses,   to   the  certified  or  recognized  employee  organizationsrepresenting employees of the state university and to  the  media.  Such  notice shall contain the time and place of the public hearing.    b.  The  agenda for any such meeting of the board of trustees shall be  electronically available on the state university  of  New  York  website  three  days  prior to the meetings unless an executive committee meeting  has been called in which an agenda must be available  twenty-four  hours  in  advance,  and  shall  be  considered  a  public record. A summary of  resolutions and board actions for any  such  meeting  of  the  board  of  trustees  shall  be  electronically available on the state university of  New York website no later than seven days after the meeting and shall be  considered a public record. The  approved  minutes,  attendance,  voting  record  and either transcripts or video record for any such meeting must  be posted no later than seven days following their approval by the board  or executive committee. Information posted on the  state  university  of  New York website regarding board of trustee meetings shall remain on the  site as archived data for a minimum of ten years.    c.  Any  such  meeting  of the board of trustees shall be conducted in  accordance with article seven of the public officers law.    3. The board shall appoint its own officers and staff,  prescribe  the  duties  of  such  employees,  and  fix  their  compensation  within  the  appropriations prescribed therefor. Other than those positions  included  in  section one hundred sixty-nine of the executive law, the board shall  fix the compensation and benefits  of  employees  in  positions  in  the  professional  service  in  the  state  university  which are designated,  stipulated  or  excluded  from  negotiating  units  as   managerial   or  confidential  as  defined  pursuant  to  article  fourteen  of the civil  service law.    4. a. The board may elect an executive committee of not less than five  members, who, in intervals between meetings of the  board  may  transact  such business of the state university as the board may from time to time  authorize,  except to grant degrees or to make removals from office. The  student member of the board shall be  a  member  of  such  committee.  A  majority  of  the whole of the executive committee, but in any event not  less than four members, attending shall be a quorum for the  transaction  of  business  and  the act of a majority of the members of the executive  committee present at any meeting  thereof  shall  be  the  act  of  such  committee.    b. The agenda for any meeting of any committee and subcommittee of the  board  of  trustees  shall  be  available  electronically  on  the state  university of New York website three days prior to the meeting unless an  executive committee meeting has been called, in  which  case  an  agenda  must  be available twenty-four hours in advance, and shall be considered  a public record. A summary of resolutions and actions by  the  committee  or  subcommittee  for any such meeting shall be electronically available  on the state university of New York website no  later  than  seven  days  after  the meeting and shall be considered a public record. The approved  minutes, attendance, voting record,  and  either  transcripts  or  video  record,  for  any  such  meeting must be posted no later than seven days  following  the  approval  by  the  board,  committee  or   subcommittee.  Information posted on the state university of New York website regarding  such meetings shall remain on the site as archived data for a minimum of  ten years.    c.  Any  such  meeting  of a committee or subcommittee of the board of  trustees shall be conducted in accordance  with  article  seven  of  the  public officers law.