382 - Annual report of trustees.

§ 382. Annual  report  of  trustees.   1. The fund shall submit to the  governor, the regents, the state university trustees,  the  legislature,  the  chairs  of  the  senate finance committee and the assembly ways and  means committee, annually on or before January first, a full  report  of  its activities and operations through the thirtieth day of the preceding  September,   including  details  as  to  state  university  construction  projects in planning, in construction  and  completed,  the  performance  record  of  the  fund  in completing construction in accordance with the  desired completion dates and within the estimated costs  recommended  by  the  governor and approved by the legislature, the architects, engineers  and other private consultants engaged by the fund on  a  contract  basis  and  a  statement  of  the  total  amount  paid  and  yet to be paid, or  estimated yet to be paid, under such contract, the  letting  agency  and  successful  bidder  for  each  construction  project,  the  moneys  made  available for the  purposes  of  the  fund,  details  as  to  any  lease  agreements  executed  by  the fund and the annual rentals required to be  paid on account thereof, and  such  other  information  related  to  the  activities and operations of the fund as it may consider pertinent. Such  report shall also contain details as to all contracts which, pursuant to  section  three  hundred  seventy-six  of this chapter, have been entered  into  without  public  letting  where  an  emergency  condition  exists,  including  the nature of such emergency condition and the state-operated  institution at which the condition occurred.    2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision one of this  section,  on  or  before  November  fifteenth  of  each year, the state university  construction fund shall submit, and  thereafter  may  resubmit,  to  the  director  of  the  budget,  the  state  comptroller, the chairman of the  senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means  committee a report setting forth the amounts,  if  any,  of  all  annual  rentals  and  other  payments  estimated to become due in the succeeding  state fiscal year to the dormitory authority from the fund  pursuant  to  any   leases,  subleases  or  other  agreements  between  the  dormitory  authority and the fund entered into on or  after  July  first,  nineteen  hundred eighty-eight, to provide state university educational facilities  for the state university of New York. Such report shall separately state  the  amount  of  income  earned on the investment of moneys in the state  university construction  fund  educational  facilities  payment  account  since the date of the last such report.