374 - Relationship with state university.

§ 374. Relationship   with  state  university.    In  order  the  most  effectively to carry out its corporate purposes, the fund  shall  assist  and  cooperate  with  and  shall  make  its personnel and services fully  available to the state university in matters relating to  the  discharge  of the capital planning responsibilities and land acquisition program of  the  state university.   During the course of construction, acquisition,  reconstruction, rehabilitation and improvement  of  facilities  for  the  state  university,  the  fund shall consult with the state university as  the  work  progresses  in  matters  relating   to   changes   in   space  requirements,  site plans, architectural concept, and detailed plans and  specifications and in matters relating to the materials,  equipment  and  supplies  needed  to  furnish and equip completed facilities.  The state  university for its part shall assist and  cooperate  with  the  fund  in  matters  relating  to  such  construction,  acquisition, reconstruction,  rehabilitation and improvement, including the financing thereof.