343 - Notice.

§ 343. Notice.  1.  Each  test  agency  shall  provide, along with the  registration form or score report for a test, the following information:    a. the purposes for which the test is constructed and is  intended  to  be used;    b.  statements  designed  to provide information for interpreting test  results, including but not limited to, explanations of  the  test  score  scale,  the  standard  error  of  measurement of the test, and a list of  available  correlations  between  test  scores  and  grades,  successful  completion  of  a  course of study and parental income; however, where a  range of the correlations of such studies is given, a median correlation  must also be provided;    c. how the test scores will be reported, whether the raw  test  scores  will  be  converted in any way before being reported to the test subject  and whether and how the test agency will use the test score  in  raw  or  transformed  form by itself or together with any other information about  the test subject to predict in any way  the  subject's  future  academic  performance for any post secondary educational institution;    d.  a  complete description of any promises or covenants that the test  agency makes to the test subject with regard  to  accuracy  of  scoring,  timely  forwarding  of information, policies for notifying test subjects  regarding inaccuracies in scoring or score reporting, any procedures  to  increase  fairness  and  equity  with  respect  to  race,  ethnicity and  linguistic background and gender for test subjects with regard  to  test  questions  and  test  forms, procedures for reviewing challenges by test  subjects, their representatives or  user  institutions  to  the  keying,  scoring,  wording  or any aspect of a test question or questions used to  calculate test subjects' raw scores, and privacy of information relating  to the test subject;    e. whether or not the  test  scores  are  the  property  of  the  test  subject,  the  time  period during which the results will be retained by  the test agency, and policies regarding storage, disposal and future use  of test score data; and    f. how the test subject may obtain  the  information  required  to  be  dislcosed under section three hundred forty-two of this article.    g.  how  the  test  subject  may  obtain  information  required  to be  available under section three hundred forty-four-b of this article;    h. a clear, easily understood written description of each  section  of  the  test, including an indication of whether the test contains sections  of equating questions together with a statement of the purpose of  such,  and  an  indication  of  whether  the  test contains sections of pretest  questions together with a statement of the purpose of such;    i. a description of  all  services  which  will  be  provided  at  the  location  of  the  test  administration  to  accommodate  handicapped or  disabled test subjects;    j. a concise summary of test administration procedures which  provides  essential  information to the test subject about the conduct of the test  including the  duties  and  responsibilities  of  the  test  proctor  or  supervisor  and  the actions a test subject may take in the event of any  problems which may arise in the course of taking the test;    k. a statement of the test agency's recommendations  as  to  how  test  scores  shall  be  used  by an institution to which scores are reported,  including  any  recommendation  regarding  the   importance   that   the  institution  should  give to such scores relative to other factors, such  as prior academic record,  in  making  any  decision  affecting  a  test  subject;    l.   a  description  of  how  test  subjects  can  receive  additional  information from test sponsors about the appropriate use of test scores;m. information which  clearly  describes  the  test  subjects'  rights  included in section three hundred forty-four-c of this article; and    n.  information  documenting  procedures  used  by  the test agency to  insure that the test is fair to all test takers  regardless  of  racial,  ethnic, gender or regional background.    2.  Any  institution which is a test score recipient shall be provided  with the information specified in this section. The  test  agency  shall  provide such information prior to or coincident with the first reporting  of  a  test score or scores to a recipient institution. Such institution  shall be encouraged to  provide  interpretive  processing  by  qualified  personnel where such personnel are available.    4.  Each public postsecondary institution shall include in its catalog  or bulletin a statement whether applicants for  undergraduate  admission  are  required  to submit test scores. Such statement shall clearly state  how test scores are used in the decision  process,  how  multiple  score  reports  are  treated,  whether component scores are summed or averaged,  and how test scores are used in placement decisions.