237 - Regents plan for higher education including approved plans of state university and city university of New York and plans of independent institutions of higher education.

§ 237. Regents  plan  for higher education including approved plans of  state  university  and  city  university  of  New  York  and  plans   of  independent  institutions  of higher education. 1. Purposes of planning.  Master planning for higher education in New York State should:    a. Define and differentiate the  missions  and  objectives  of  higher  education.    b.  Identify the needs, problems, societal conditions and interests of  the citizens of the state of  New  York  to  which  programs  of  higher  education may most appropriately be addressed.    c.   Define   and   differentiate   the  missions  and  objectives  of  institutions of higher education.    d. Develop programs to meet the needs, solve the problems, affect  the  conditions and respond to the public's interests by:    (1) Setting goals.    (2) Describing the time required to meet those goals.    (3) Identifying the resources needed to achieve the goals.    (4) Establishing priorities.    e.  Be in sufficient detail to enable all participants in the planning  process, representatives of the people and the  citizens  themselves  to  evaluate the needs, objectives, program proposals, priorities, costs and  results of higher education.    f. Optimize the use of resources.    g. Evaluate program effectiveness.    2.  The  regents  shall,  on  or  before the twenty-fifth day of April  nineteen hundred seventy-one and each fourth  year  thereafter,  request  the state university trustees, the board of higher education of the city  of  New  York,  and  all  independent higher educational institutions to  submit long-range master plans for their development. Such request shall  specify the nature of the information, plans and recommendations  to  be  submitted, shall describe statewide needs, problems, societal conditions  and  interests of the citizens and discuss their priorities, and provide  appropriate information which may be useful in the formulation  of  such  plans.    3.  The regents shall, once every four years, review the proposed plan  and recommendations required to be submitted  by  the  state  university  trustees  pursuant  to section three hundred fifty-four of this chapter,  the proposed plan and recommendations of the board of  higher  education  in  the  city  of  New York required to be submitted pursuant to section  sixty-two hundred two of this chapter,  and  the  plans  of  independent  institutions  of  higher  education and, upon approval by the regents of  the plans submitted by the state university trustees and  the  board  of  higher  education,  they  shall  be  incorporated into a regents plan or  general revision thereof for the development of higher education in  the  state.  Such  regents  plan  shall  include the plan and recommendations  proposed  by  the  state  university   trustees   and   the   plan   and  recommendations proposed by the board of higher education in the city of  New  York  and  may  include  plans  with  respect  to other matters not  comprehended within  the  plan  of  the  state  and  city  universities,  including  but  not  limited  to  improving institutional management and  resources, instruction and guidance programs,  financial  assistance  to  students  and extension of educational opportunities. In determining the  need for additional educational facilities in  a  particular  area,  the  plans  and  facilities  of  existing public and independent institutions  shall  be  fully  evaluated.  Such  statewide  plan  shall  include  for  information  purposes  a summary of all recommendations appearing in the  prior statewide plan and  subsequent  amendments  thereof  containing  a  brief  statement of action taken and progress toward achievement of each  such recommendation.4. During the calendar  year  nineteen  hundred  sixty-four  and  each  fourth   year  thereafter  the  regents  shall  evaluate  all  available  information with respect to the  plans  and  facilities  of  independent  institutions  and  shall  review  and  act  upon  the  proposed plan and  recommendations  of  the state university trustees and upon the proposed  plan and recommendations of the board of higher education in the city of  New York and incorporate such information, recommendations and  each  of  the  component  plans  so  acted  upon  into a tentative regents plan or  general revision thereof for the development of higher education in  the  state.  Copies  of  such  tentative  regents  plan  or  general revision  thereof, as the case may be, shall be made available to the trustees  of  the  state  university, the board of higher education in the city of New  York and the governing  boards  of  all  other  institutions  of  higher  education  admitted  to  the  university  of  the  state  of  New  York.  Thereafter, after giving due notice, the regents shall  conduct  one  or  more  hearings  on  such  tentative  regents  plan  or  general revision  thereof.    5. The regents shall transmit their plan or general  revision  thereof  for the development of higher education in the state to the governor and  the legislature on or before the first day of November, nineteen hundred  sixty-four  and each fourth year thereafter. The governor may disapprove  or conditionally approve any  part  of  the  plan  or  general  revision  thereof after notifying the regents of such disagreements at least sixty  days  prior  to  such  action  during  which  time they may revise their  recommendations relating to such items and request the governor to adopt  such revised recommendations in  lieu  of  such  action.  Such  plan  or  general  revision  thereof  or  so much thereof as shall be approved and  upon such terms and conditions as the governor may impose, shall  become  effective upon such approval by the governor.    6. Any modification recommended by the state university trustees or by  the  board  of  higher  education  in  the  city  of  New  York to their  respective  plans,  theretofore  formulated  and  approved  pursuant  to  section  three  hundred  fifty-four  or section sixty-two hundred two of  this chapter shall be reviewed by the regents who may hold one  or  more  hearings  thereon  after  giving  due notice thereof. As approved by the  regents, such modification shall be made a part of the respective  plans  of  the  state university and of the city university and shall, together  with any modifications the regents may make to  that  portion  of  their  plan   for  the  development  of  higher  education  in  the  state  not  comprehended in the  plans  of  the  state  and  city  universities,  be  transmitted to the governor and the legislature, all of which shall then  become  effective  upon approval by the governor as modifications of the  regents  plan.  By  the  first  day  of  November  in  nineteen  hundred  seventy-four and each fourth year thereafter the regents shall summarize  and  report  to  the governor and the legislature any modifications made  pursuant to  this  subdivision  and  shall  include  in  such  report  a  statement  on  the  progress  made  in implementing the regents plan and  their general recommendations with respect to higher education.    7.  An  advisory  council  on  higher  education  consisting  of   the  chancellor  of  the  state university of New York, the chancellor of the  city university of New York, and a representative of the  commission  on  independent   colleges   and  universities  shall  be  convened  by  the  commissioner  of  education  and  shall  advise  the  regents  and   the  commissioner on all phases of planning.