233-B - New York state freedom trail commission.

§  233-b.  New  York  state freedom trail commission. 1.   a. There is  hereby established within the department  the  New  York  state  freedom  trail  commission. The commission shall consist of twelve members, to be  appointed as follows: three members to be  appointed  by  the  governor,  three members to be appointed by the board of regents, two members to be  appointed  by  the  temporary  president of the senate, one member to be  appointed by the minority leader  of  the  senate,  two  members  to  be  appointed by the speaker of the assembly, and one member to be appointed  by   the  minority  leader  of  the  assembly.  Such  members  shall  be  representative  of  academic   or   public   historians,   corporations,  foundations,  historical  societies,  civic organizations, and religious  denominations. In addition,  the  following  state  officers,  or  their  designees, shall serve as members of the commission: the commissioner of  education, the head of the state museum, the head of the state archives,  the  head  of  the office of state history, the commissioner of economic  development, the  head  of  the  state  tourism  advisory  council,  the  chairperson  of the upstate New York tourism council, the chairperson of  the downstate New York tourism council, and the commissioner  of  parks,  recreation and historic preservation.    b.  The  commission  shall begin functioning upon the appointment of a  majority of its members. The chair of the commission shall be chosen  by  the members of the commission for a three year term. Commission members,  other  than  ex officio members, shall serve for terms of five years and  vacancies shall be appointed in the same manner as provided for original  appointments.    c. The department and the office of  parks,  recreation  and  historic  preservation  may provide the commission with such staff, equipment, and  facilities as it may need.    2. As part of its responsibilities the  commission  shall  be  charged  with  reviewing  and assisting in the implementation of a master plan in  conjunction  with  federal   authorities;   sponsoring   commemorations,  linkages,   seminars  and  public  forum;  assisting,  encouraging,  and  promoting the making of applications for inclusion on  the  national  or  state  registers of historic places by the parties eligible to do so and  the inclusion of such places therein; and  developing  partnerships  and  seeking  private  and  public  funds to carry out activities to protect,  preserve, and promote the important legacy and lessons  of  the  freedom  trail and the underground railroad in New York state.    3.   The  commission  shall  report  annually  to  the  governor,  the  legislature, and the board of regents for a period of  five  years  from  the date of establishment of the commission, but beginning no later than  January first, nineteen hundred ninety-nine.