228 - The Hamilton college sewer district.

§ 228. The Hamilton college sewer district. The Hamilton college sewer  district established in the town of Kirkland, Oneida county, outside the  village  of  Clinton,  is hereby continued and all the provisions of the  town law relating to a sewer district in a  town  shall  apply  to  such  district,  except  as  herein  otherwise provided: The district shall be  governed by a board of sewer district commissioners consisting of  three  persons, who shall serve until a vacancy shall occur by reason of death,  resignation  or  removal  from  office.  The  town  board of the town of  Kirkland may remove a member of the board for inefficiency,  neglect  of  duty or misconduct in office after a public hearing on not less than ten  days'  written  notice  and  an  opportunity to be heard in person or by  counsel. A vacancy in office  of  a  commissioner  shall  be  filled  by  appointment  by  the  town  board from a list of nominations of not less  than  three  persons  made  by   the   remaining   commissioners.   Each  commissioner  appointed by the town board must be a resident taxpayer of  the sewer district or in lieu thereof an officer, trustee or  member  of  the  faculty of Hamilton college. Such commissioners shall select one of  their number as chairman and another as  secretary.  Each  commissioner,  before   entering  upon  the  duties  of  his  office,  shall  take  the  constitutional oath of office and execute to the town  of  Kirkland  and  file  with  the  town clerk an official undertaking in such sum and with  such sureties as the town board from  time  to  time  may  direct.  Such  commissioners  may  be  paid  for  their  services  an annual amount, as  determined  by  the  town  board,  up  to  two  thousand  dollars.  Such  compensation  shall  be  deemed an expense of the district. The board of  sewer district commissioners of such district shall have all the  powers  and   be   subject  to  the  duties  and  responsibilities  of  district  commissioners elected pursuant to the provisions of article thirteen  of  the town law.