216-B - Private foundations, as defined in the United States internal revenue code of 1954: provisions included in the charter.

§ 216-b. Private foundations, as defined in the United States internal  revenue code of 1954: provisions included in the charter.    1.  The  following  provisions  are  hereby  included  in the charter,  heretofore or hereafter granted under this chapter,  to  incorporate  an  institution  or  association (chartered organization) which is a private  foundation as defined in section  509  of  the  United  States  internal  revenue code of 1954 ("Code").    a.  The  chartered organization shall distribute such amounts for each  taxable year at such time and in such  manner  as  not  to  subject  the  chartered organization to tax on undistributed income under section 4942  of the code.    b.  The  chartered  organization  shall  not  engage  in  any  act  of  self-dealing which is subject to tax under section 4941 of the code.    c. The chartered organization shall not  retain  any  excess  business  holdings which are subject to tax under section 4943 of the code.    d.  The  chartered organization shall not make any investments in such  manner as to subject the corporation to tax under section  4944  of  the  code.    e.  The chartered organization shall not make any taxable expenditures  which are subject to tax under section  4945  of  the  code.  Except  as  provided  in  subdivision  two, this subdivision applies notwithstanding  any other provision of the charter or any direction in an instrument  by  which assets were transferred to the chartered organization.    2.  Subdivision 1 shall not apply to the extent that it conflicts with  any  mandatory  direction  in  an  instrument  by  which   assets   were  transferred to the chartered organization prior to the effective date of  this   section   unless   such   conflicting  direction  is  removed  as  impracticable under article eight of the estates, powers and trusts  law  or  in  any  other  manner  provided  by  law. The absence of a specific  provision in such an instrument for the current use of the principal  of  the  fund,  or  the presence in such an instrument of a provision, as to  the principal of the  fund,  limited  to  the  principal's  being  held,  invested and reinvested, is not such a conflicting mandatory direction.    3.  All references in this section to sections of the code shall be to  sections as amended from time to time, or to corresponding provisions of  subsequent internal revenue laws.    4. Nothing in this section shall impair the rights and powers  of  the  courts or the attorney-general of this state.