1202 - Legislative findings and intent.

§ 1202. Legislative findings and intent. The legislature hereby finds,  determines and declares that:    1.  Rural  education  is  a  critical  factor  and  dominant  force in  stimulating  and   maintaining   socioeconomic   development,   economic  viability,  social  activity and cultural enrichment in rural regions of  New York state. Rural schools fill an integral role as  centers  of  the  community  and as a bridge for youth to connect with the broader society  in fulfilling their dreams and ambitions;    2. Rural areas account for more  than  half  of  the  school  systems,  boards of cooperative education services and colleges in the state;    3.  Rural areas have unique conditions and circumstances which require  special consideration in the development and assessment of state policy,  including:  (a)  that  rural  areas  contain  many  of  the  low-wealth,  low-spending  school districts in the state; (b) that average incomes of  rural residents are lower than statewide norms; and (c) that  per  pupil  expenditures  in  rural  schools are more than fifteen percent below the  statewide average;    4. Weaknesses exist in rural education inasmuch as rural schools  have  difficulty   attracting   and  retaining  highly  trained  teachers  and  administrators, teachers are spread thinly over several subject areas;    5. A limited knowledge base on small rural  educational  organizations  and  lack  of  a  systematic research agenda for rural schools limit the  potential for development  of  cohesive  state  policy  for  educational  services in rural New York;    6. The establishment of a program on rural education would enhance the  capacity  of  policy  makers  within  state  government:  (a)  to better  understand the inefficiencies and needs of the state's  rural  education  systems;  (b)  to  assess the impact of existing and proposed government  mandates on rural areas; (c)  to  promote  innovation,  flexibility  and  investment  to  ensure that rural residents have equitable access to and  receive quality educational  services  and  opportunities;  and  (d)  to  promote  the  long-term  goal  of  improving  the  economic  and  social  well-being of rural communities as a direct result  of  improving  rural  school performance.