1008 - Use of appropriations.

§ 1008. Use of appropriations. Any appropriation made to carry out the  provisions  of  this  article, in addition to any moneys allotted to the  state for a similar purpose by the government of the United  States  may  be  used for the payment of salaries, travel, maintenance and operation,  and other administrative expenses including the  purchase  of  necessary  office  furniture,  supplies, et cetera, the necessary costs for persons  being evaluated for or undergoing  vocational  rehabilitation  including  tuition,  fees,  books  and  other  training  supplies,  maintenance and  traveling expenses, occupational examinations and license fees, medical,  psychiatric and psychological  examinations  and  other  diagnostic  and  related  services,  tools  and  equipment,  initial stocks and supplies,  surgical fees, hospitalization,  therapeutic  treatment  and  prosthetic  appliances,  the  establishment  and  construction  of  public and other  nonprofit rehabilitation facilities to provide services for  handicapped  individuals  and  the establishment and construction of public and other  nonprofit  workshops  for  the  severely  handicapped,   including   the  furnishing  of  equipment  or  the  providing of grants of funds to such  public and other nonprofit rehabilitation facilities and workshops to be  utilized for the acquisition of equipment, supplies, personnel and other  necessary and proper items to be utilized in such facilities.