912-A - Urine analysis; drug detection.

§ 912-a. Urine  analysis; drug detection. 1. The school authorities of  each school district within the state may cause all  children  attending  grades  seven  through  twelve,  inclusive,  in  the  public and private  schools located within such districts, to be  separately  and  carefully  examined  in order to ascertain whether any such children are making use  of dangerous drugs.    2. Such examination may be made  only  upon  the  written  request  or  consent of a parent of, or person in parental relation to, a child. Such  examination  shall  be  conducted  without notice to the child and shall  include the supervised taking of a urine sample which shall be  analyzed  for  such  drugs  and  in  accordance  with  such  standards as shall be  acceptable to the New York state  office  of  alcoholism  and  substance  abuse services, or its successor agency. The results of such examination  shall  be  promptly forwarded to the school authorities. If it should be  ascertained, upon such test or examination, that any child is making use  of dangerous drugs, the school authorities  shall  report  same  to  the  social services department for the social services district wherein such  school  is  located and to the parent of, or person in parental relation  to, such child together with a statement to such  parent  or  person  in  parental relation as to available programs and facilities to combat such  dangerous  drug  usage.  The  local  social services department shall be  empowered, in an appropriate case, to take such action  and  offer  such  protective social services as are prescribed by title six of article six  of the social services law.    3.  Except  as required in this section, information resulting from an  examination  conducted  pursuant  to  this   section   shall   be   kept  confidential  and shall not be used for law enforcement purposes but may  be utilized only for statistical, epidemiological or research purposes.    4. Any record or information  compiled  from  such  examination  which  identifies  an  individual student as a user of dangerous drugs shall be  maintained separate and apart  from  such  student's  other  educational  records  and  in appropriate confidence and shall be destroyed upon such  student's graduation or final severance from the  secondary  educational  school system in this state.    Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, no such  examination  shall  be  required  where a student objects thereto on the  grounds that such examinations conflict with their genuine  and  sincere  religious beliefs.