901 - School health services to be provided.

§ 901. School  health  services  to  be  provided.  1.  School  health  services, as defined in  subdivision  two  of  this  section,  shall  be  provided  by  each school district for all students attending the public  schools in this state, except in the city school district of the city of  New York, as provided in this  article.  School  health  services  shall  include  the  services  of  a  registered  professional nurse, if one is  employed, and shall also include such services as  may  be  rendered  as  provided  in  this  article  in  examining students for the existence of  disease or disability and in testing the eyes and ears of such students.    2. School health services for the purposes of this article shall  mean  the   several   procedures,  including,  but  not  limited  to,  medical  examinations, dental inspection and/or screening,  scoliosis  screening,  vision  screening and audiometer tests, designed to determine the health  status of the child; to inform parents  or  other  persons  in  parental  relation  to  the  child,  pupils and teachers of the individual child's  health condition subject to federal and state confidentiality  laws;  to  guide  parents,  children  and teachers in procedures for preventing and  correcting defects and diseases; to instruct  the  school  personnel  in  procedures  to  take  in case of accident or illness; to survey and make  necessary recommendations concerning the health and  safety  aspects  of  school facilities and the provision of health information.