807 - Fire drills.

§ 807. Fire drills.  1. It shall be the duty of the principal or other  person  in  charge  of  every  public  or  private school or educational  institution within the state, other than colleges  or  universities,  to  instruct  and train the pupils by means of drills, so that they may in a  sudden emergency be able to leave the school building  in  the  shortest  possible  time  and  without  confusion  or  panic. Such drills or rapid  dismissals shall be held at least twelve  times  in  each  school  year,  eight of which required drills shall be held between September first and  December  first  of  each  such  year.  At  least  one-third of all such  required drills shall be through use of the fire  escapes  on  buildings  where  fire  escapes  are  provided.  In the course of at least one such  drill, pupils shall be instructed in the procedure to be followed in the  event that a fire occurs during lunch  period,  provided  however,  that  such  additional  instruction may be waived where a drill is held during  the regular school lunch period. At least four additional  drills  shall  be  held  in  each  school year during the hours after sunset and before  sunrise in school buildings in which students are provided with sleeping  accommodations.  At least two additional drills  shall  be  held  during  summer  school in buildings where summer school is conducted, and one of  such drills shall be held during the first week of summer school.    1-a. In the case of  after-school  programs,  events  or  performances  which  are  conducted within a school building and which include persons  who do not  regularly  attend  classes  in  such  school  building,  the  principal  or  other  person in charge of the building shall require the  teacher or person in charge  of  such  after-school  program,  event  or  performance  to  notify  persons  in attendance at the beginning of each  such program, event or performance, of the procedures to be followed  in  the event of an emergency so that they may be able to leave the building  in a timely, orderly manner.    2.  It  shall be the duty of the board of education or school board or  other body having control of the schools in  any  district  or  city  to  cause  a  copy  of  this section to be printed in the manual or handbook  prepared for the guidance of teachers, where such manual or handbook  is  in use or may hereafter come into use.    3.  It  shall  be  the duty of the person in charge of every public or  private college or university within the state, to  instruct  and  train  the  students by means of drills, so that they may in a sudden emergency  be able to leave the college or  university  building  in  the  shortest  possible time and without confusion or panic.  Such drills shall be held  at least three times in each year, one of which required drills shall be  held  between  September  first and December first of each such year. In  buildings where summer sessions are  conducted,  one  of  such  required  drills  shall  be  held during the first week of such summer session. At  least one of such required drills shall  be  through  use  of  the  fire  escapes  on  buildings  where  fire  escapes  are provided. At least one  additional drill shall be held in  each  year  during  the  hours  after  sunset  and  before  sunrise in college or university buildings in which  students are provided with sleeping accommodations.    4. Neglect by any principal or other person in charge of any public or  private school or educational institution to comply with the  provisions  of  this  section shall be a misdemeanor punishable at the discretion of  the court by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars; such fine to be paid to  the pension fund of the local fire department  where  there  is  such  a  fund.