806-A - Driver education.

§  806-a.  Driver education. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of  law, all school districts  providing  instruction  in  driver  education  shall include in such instruction: (a) a driver safety component with an  emphasis  on  the  effects  of  alcohol and drug use, (b) instruction in  motorcycle safety awareness. The  commissioner,  upon  approval  by  the  commissioner  of  motor  vehicles,  shall establish a curriculum for the  alcohol and drug education component which  shall  include  but  not  be  limited to: instruction describing the hazards of driving while impaired  or   intoxicated;  the  penalties  for  alcohol  related  motor  vehicle  violations including sanctions set forth in the penal law that apply  to  homicides  and  assaults arising out of the operation of a motor vehicle  while intoxicated and those sanctions  set  forth  in  the  vehicle  and  traffic  law  relating  to  driving  while intoxicated; and the medical,  biological and physiological effects of the consumption of  alcohol  and  their impact on the operation of a motor vehicle.    2.  The  commissioner,  upon  approval  of  the  commissioner of motor  vehicles, shall establish  by  regulation  a  certification  process  by  driver education courses of the amount of time a holder of a class DJ or  class  MJ  learner's  permit  has  spent operating a motor vehicle while  under the  immediate  supervision  of  a  driver  education  teacher.  A  certificate  issued  pursuant  to this subdivision shall be deemed to be  proof of all or a portion of the supervised driving experience  required  under  certification  pursuant  to  paragraph  (d) of subdivision two of  section five hundred two of the vehicle and traffic law.