751 - Aid for computer software purchases.
§ 751. Aid for computer software purchases. 1. In the several cities and school districts of the state, boards of education, trustees or such body or officers as perform the functions of such boards, shall designate software programs to be used in conjunction with computers of the school district. 2. A software program, for the purposes of this article shall mean (a) a computer program which a pupil is required to use as a learning aid in a particular class in the school the pupil legally attends, or (b) for expenses incurred after July first, two thousand nine, any content-based instructional materials in an electronic format that are aligned with state standards which are accessed or delivered through the internet based on a subscription model. Such electronic format materials may include a variety of media assets and learning tools, including video, audio, images, teacher guides, and student access capabilities as such terms are defined in the regulations of the commissioner. 3. No school district shall be required to purchase or otherwise acquire software programs, the cost of which shall exceed an amount equal to the software factor multiplied by the sum of the public school district enrollment and the nonpublic school enrollment in the base year as defined in subparagraphs two and three of paragraph n of subdivision one of section thirty-six hundred two of this chapter. 4. The commissioner, in addition to the annual apportionment of public monies pursuant to other articles of this chapter, shall apportion to each school district an amount equal to the cost of the software programs purchased by the district pursuant to this section in the base year, but in no case shall the aid apportioned to the district exceed the product of the software factor and the sum of public school district enrollment, nonpublic school enrollment, and additional public enrollment as defined in subparagraphs two, three, and six of paragraph n of subdivision one of section thirty-six hundred two of this chapter. For aid payable in the nineteen hundred ninety-seven--ninety-eight and nineteen hundred ninety-eight--ninety-nine school years, the software factor shall equal four dollars and fifty-eight cents. For aid payable in the nineteen hundred ninety-nine--two thousand school year, the software factor shall equal seven dollars and fifty-five cents. For aid payable in the two thousand--two thousand one school year, the software factor shall equal fourteen dollars and ninety-eight cents. For aid payable in the two thousand one--two thousand two school year, the software factor shall equal twenty-three dollars and ninety cents. For aid payable in the two thousand two--two thousand three school year and thereafter, the software factor shall equal fourteen dollars and ninety-eight cents. The apportionment provided for in this section shall be paid at such times as may be determined by the commissioner and approved by the director of the budget. Aid payable pursuant to this section shall be deemed final and not subject to change after April thirtieth of the school year for which payment was due.