691 - Powers and duties.

§  691. Powers and duties. In furtherance of the purposes set forth in  this part, the corporation shall have the  following  additional  powers  and duties:    1.  To  market,  originate,  disburse,  service,  collect, administer,  guarantee, secure, finance, and purchase education loans not in  default  status made under this program or contract for these services.    2. To purchase defaulted education loans made under this program.    3.  To  establish  and  maintain one or more default reserve funds and  accounts within such  funds,  in  accordance  with  the  terms  of  this  program.    4.  To  develop  and  administer or contract to administer one or more  financial literacy programs.    5. To provide or contract to provide default aversion services.    6. To establish criteria for eligible  colleges,  lenders,  and  other  entities  such  as,  but  not  limited  to, servicers, and to enter into  participation agreements with any such eligible colleges,  lenders,  and  other  entities  and  any  entity  authorized to finance the purchase or  making of education loans through the issuance of bonds pursuant to  the  public  authorities law, and any subsequent purchaser of education loans  made under this program.    7. To establish criteria for all lender underwriting,  education  loan  purchases, servicing and default insurance payments.    8.  To establish criteria for the distribution of education loans made  under this program.    9. To audit lenders, servicers, holders,  and  eligible  colleges  for  program compliance.    10. To adopt rules and regulations to implement this program.