666 - Tuition awards for part-time undergraduate students.

§ 666. Tuition  awards  for  part-time  undergraduate  students.    1.  Definition. For the purposes of this  section  (a)  "part-time  student"  means  a  student  enrolled  for  at  least  three  but less than twelve  semester hours, or the equivalent, per semester or  at  least  four  but  less  than eight semester hours per quarter in an approved undergraduate  degree  or  registered  certificate   program   in   a   degree-granting  institution, and (b) "income" means that amount determined in accordance  with subdivisions one and two of section six hundred sixty-three of this  article.    2.  Eligible  students.  Tuition  awards  may be made to students, who  comply with the requirements provided in subdivisions  three,  five  and  six  of section six hundred sixty-one of this article, and  (i) are also  part-time  students  matriculated  in  approved   undergraduate   degree  programs  or  enrolled and accepted into registered certificate programs  and (ii) if eligible to claim dependents or to be claimed as  dependents  under  the  tax  law,  whose  incomes  do not exceed fifty thousand five  hundred fifty dollars or if  ineligible  whose  incomes  do  not  exceed  thirty-four  thousand  two  hundred  fifty  dollars. The continuation of  eligibility for a tuition award shall  require  the  retention  of  good  academic  standing,  as  defined by the commissioner pursuant to article  thirteen of this chapter. Prior to the approval of any additional  award  pursuant  to  this  section, participating institutions shall review the  academic standing of all recipients of awards pursuant to this section.    3. Participating institutions. Institutions which  offer undergraduate  degrees and participate in the tuition assistance program  are  eligible  to  participate  in  the  tuition  award for part-time students program,  pursuant to this section provided, however, that  the  tuition  for  the  program  in  which  a  student  is  enrolled totals at least one hundred  dollars a year.  Eligible institutions shall apply to the corporation to  participate in such program on applications postmarked on or before  the  fifteenth  day  of June, such applications having been postmarked by the  corporation to all eligible institutions on or before the fifteenth  day  of  May. The department shall provide the enrollment data upon which the  institutional allocation of funds will be based to the corporation on or  before the first day of May. The corporation shall notify  participating  institutions  of  the institutional allocation of funds on or before the  fifteenth day of July.  Notwithstanding the manner and extent  in  which  allocations  of  funds  for  awards  are  made under this subdivision to  institutions which form a part of the state university of  New  York  or  the  city  university  of  New  York,  the  chancellor  of  either  such  university may reallocate and distribute any unexpended portion  of  the  allocation of an institution of such university to any other institution  of   such   university   to  which  an  allocation  is  made  hereunder.  Notwithstanding the manner and extent in which allocations of funds  for  awards  are  made  under this subdivision to independent institutions of  higher education,  the  president  may  reallocate  and  distribute  any  unexpended portion of the allocation of such an institution to any other  such  institution  to  which  an allocation is made hereunder.   Written  notice of such reallocation and  distribution  shall  be  given  to  the  corporation  by  such  chancellor or commissioner in accordance with the  rules of the board.    4. Selection of recipients. Participating  institutions  shall  select  recipients of tuition awards for part-time students from amoung elibible  students.  Participating  institutions  shall  consider  those  eligible  students who demonstrate the greatest amount of financial need remaining  after all available grants have been applied to  educational  costs  and  shall  give  preference,  where  possible,  to  students  who  would  be  otherwise unable to attempt or continue post  secondary  education.  Thetotal  number of recipients and the amount of awards shall be limited by  the institutional allocation of funds pursuant to subdivision  eight  of  this  section. The institution shall select recipients within forty-five  days after the date fixed by the institution for students to add or drop  courses in the semester, quarter or term for which the award is made and  each  recipient  shall  be notified in writing of the award, its amount,  that it is effected by a waiver of tuition by the  institution  in  such  amount,  and  that  the  award  is  counted  toward  the maximum term of  eligibility under  the  tuition  assistance  program.  In  the  event  a  recipient  is  determined  to  be  ineligible  for  an  award after such  notification is given, the institution shall  advise  the  recipient  in  writing thereof, and that its selection of such recipient and its waiver  of  tuition is a nullity. If the determination of ineligiblility is made  prior to the date the institution submits its report  of  recipients  to  the  corporation,  a replacement recipient may be selected, notified and  reported.    5. Amount of award. The annual award shall be for an amount up to  two  thousand  dollars or tuition, whichever is less. The amount of the award  shall be determined by the participating institution.  Such  institution  shall  waive the tuition for such eligible student in the amount of such  award.    6. Limitation of amount. In no event shall  the  award  for  any  year  exceed  the  amount by which the tuition, exclusive of educational fees,  payable by the student exceeds the total of all other state, federal  or  other   educational   aid  which  the  commissioner  has  identified  by  regulation as duplicative of the purposes of tuition awards pursuant  to  this  section.  For  the  purposes  of  this subdivision, neither United  States war orphans educational benefits nor benefits under the veterans'  readjustment act of nineteen hundred sixty-six shall  be  considered  as  federal or other educational aid.    7.  Duration. A recipient shall be eligible for a period not to exceed  eight years of part-time undergraduate study or,  if  the  undergraduate  program  normally requires five academic years of full-time study, for a  period not  to  exceed  ten  years  of  part-time  undergraduate  study.  Recipients  enrolled  in  a  program of remedial study conforming to the  provisions of this article, approved by the  commissioner  in  a  degree  granting  institution,  and  intended  to  culminate in an undergraduate  degree shall be considered as enrolled in a program  normally  requiring  five  years.  Any semester, quarter or term of attendance during which a  student receives an award pursuant to this section shall be  counted  as  one-half  of a semester, quarter or term, as the case may be, toward the  maximum term  of  eligibility  for  tuition  assistance  program  awards  pursuant  to section six hundred sixty-seven of this chapter. The period  of eligibility shall  be  proportionately  reduced  for  each  semester,  quarter  or  term of attendance during which a student receives an award  pursuant to section six hundred sixty-seven of this article.    8. Institutional allocation of funds. The total amount  of  funds  for  awards at a participating institution for an academic year shall be that  amount determined by multiplying the annual total appropriation for this  program  by a ratio whose numerator shall be the undergraduate part-time  degree program  enrollment  at  the  institution  during  the  preceding  academic  year  and  whose  denominator  shall  be the aggregate of such  enrollment at all participating institutions in such academic year.    9. Institutional reports and reimbursements. One week after the  final  date  recipients  may  be selected, each participating institution shall  report to the corporation the following: (i) the eligible  students  who  received  an  award pursuant to this section and their incomes; and (ii)  the amount of each such award. Within forty-five days of the  conclusionof  each  term  or semester during which the awards are made pursuant to  this section,  each  participating  institution  shall  certify  to  the  corporation  whether  or not each student reported received a cumulative  passing  average  for  the  semester  hours  undertaken pursuant to such  award. The corporation shall reimburse the participating institution for  each award made by such institution on behalf  of  an  eligible  student  provided,  however,  that  if, during any term or semester, the value of  the awards conferred by the institution to students who fail to maintain  a cumulative passing average exceeds ten percent of the total  value  of  all  the  awards conferred by the institution, the institution shall not  be reimbursed for the value of those awards made to students who fail to  maintain a cumulative passing average which is in excess of ten  percent  of the total value of all the awards conferred by the institution during  that  term  or semester.   A recipient of such award shall not be liable  for tuition waived in  the  amount  of  the  award  for  semester  hours  undertaken  pursuant to such award for which he or she did not receive a  cumulative passing  average.  The  president  may  make  prepayments  to  institutions  of  their  allocations  of  funds  in  accordance with the  provisions of paragraph c of subdivision three of  section  six  hundred  sixty-five  of this article, and the president may require institutional  refunds in accordance with the provisions of paragraph c of  subdivision  four of section six hundred sixty-five of this article.    10.  Annually prior to the first day of November the corporation shall  prepare a report  to  the  board  of  regents  which  shall  contain  an  evaluation  concerning  the  administration of the tuition award program  for part-time undergraduate students and an analysis of the  information  reported  pursuant  to  subdivision  nine  of this section. The board of  regents shall then prepare a report to the governor and the  legislature  making  appropriate  recommendations  annually prior to the first day of  January.    11. The state comptroller shall audit the tuition  award  program  for  part-time  undergraduate  students for the period commencing July first,  nineteen hundred eighty-four and ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred  eighty-five and shall make a  report,  not  later  than  October  first,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-five,  relating  thereto  to the governor, the  temporary president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly.