665 - Payment.

§ 665. Payment.   1.  Semester  payment.  The  annual  award  to  each  recipient shall be paid in separate installments on  a  prorated  basis,  for  each  semester,  quarter,  or  other  term of attendance during the  academic year.  For an approved two-year program of study conducted on a  clock hour basis at a registered  private  business  school,  the  award  shall  be paid in installments by payment term as such period is defined  by the rules of the board. The board shall take  into  consideration  in  promulgating  such rules an appropriate proration of the regular program  of study provided during an academic  year  and  the  periods  at  which  student  progress and academic standing are evaluated. In no event shall  there be less than two, nor more than four, payment terms in an academic  year, including when such year contains a  semester,  quarter  or  other  term  of  accelerated study, provided however, that up to thirty percent  of payments may be paid in the following academic year but no later than  August first.    2. Payment for accelerated study. a. If the student enrolls for a term  of study which shall be beyond the regular  program  of  study  for  the  academic  year,  an additional award shall be made for each such term of  study on the basis of an equivalent full semester, quarter, or  term  of  attendance during the regular academic year.    b.  If the student enrolls in a term of accelerated study as described  in paragraph a of this subdivision constituting less than the equivalent  of a full semester, quarter, or term of attendance, but at least half of  the minimum of such a full-time program, as defined by the  commissioner  pursuant  to article thirteen, the award for such term of study shall be  one-half of the award  that  would  otherwise  have  been  received  for  full-time study. The total period of study for which payment may be made  shall  not  exceed  the  equivalent of the maximum period authorized for  that award. In the case of awards under subdivision four of section  six  hundred  sixty-seven, the base award shall be the lesser of (i) one-half  of the amount of the award provided for or (ii) the amount  of  tuition,  and  the  deduction  shall  be at one-half the rate that would otherwise  apply to full-time study.    c. A student shall qualify for accelerated study upon  the  completion  of twenty-four credit hours, or its equivalent, from such institution in  the preceding two semesters, or the equivalent, prior to the term of the  application  provided  however, that the equivalent of three credits per  semester may be remedial courses and therefore  such  student  shall  be  eligible  for  an  accelerated  award  after  having  earned  a total of  eighteen degree credits in the preceding two semesters.    3. Institutional certification, audit and payment procedure.    a. Each institution of post-secondary education shall certify  to  the  corporation  that each student in attendance at that institution who has  applied for a general award or academic  performance  award  under  this  article  is  eligible  for  such  award  in accordance with all criteria  established for such award by statute and regulation. Such certification  shall be made on forms provided by the president  within  such  time  as  required  by  the  president  and  shall  state  that,  as  of  the date  established by the institution in accordance with its refund policy  and  the regulations of the commissioner, the student (i) has incurred a full  tuition  liability  for  that  term  of  attendance,  (ii) was no longer  eligible for a refund upon withdrawal from study, (iii) was in full-time  attendance and (iv) satisfied all  other  eligibility  requirements  for  such  award.  If  any student does not satisfy the necessary eligibility  requirements on that  date,  it  shall  be  the  responsibility  of  the  institution  to  so  state, to specify whether such student was eligible  prior to that date and the amount of tuition liability incurred.b.  The  comptroller  shall  audit  institutional  adherence  to   the  statutes,   rules   and   regulations  governing  general  and  academic  performance awards and shall be responsible for determining the  amount,  if  any,  owed  to  the  state by an institution which amount represents  overpayment  to  the  institution on a student's behalf. The comptroller  shall report  cases  of  suspected  willful  and  knowing  institutional  violation  of  such  statutes,  rules  or  regulations  to  the district  attorney in the county in which such institution is located.    c. (i) Payments under this article shall be made  by  the  comptroller  upon  the  certificate  of  the  president  to or for the benefit of the  recipient of each award. Such certificate shall be given  upon  vouchers  or  other  evidence  provided  by  the student and by the institution of  attendance showing that the person named therein is entitled to  receive  the  sum  specified, either directly or for his benefit. Payments may be  made directly to the  school  attended  by  the  person  named  in  such  certificate,  on  behalf  of  and  for  the  benefit of such person. The  president may establish such methods of payment,  including  prepayment,  of  awards to students or to schools on behalf of students as may effect  the orderly administration of the program as he  may  deem  appropriate.  Selection  of  the  method  of  payment  shall  be  at the option of the  institution,  provided,  however,   that   the   president   may   limit  participation   in  such  alternative  methods  of  payment  to  schools  fulfilling  criteria  established  by  the  president  to   assure   the  appropriate receipt and handling of funds.    (ii)  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision of law, and in accordance  with rules adopted by the board for these purposes,  the  president  may  suspend,  limit  or  terminate  an  institution's  participation  in the  general,  academic  and  other  award  programs  administered   by   the  corporation  in  the  event  it  shall  be  determined  after  a hearing  conducted in accordance with the state administrative procedure act that  the institution has violated any statute, rule or regulation  applicable  to  such award programs. If the president shall determine that immediate  action is  necessary  in  order  to  prevent  an  unreasonable  risk  of  substantial loss of funds administered by the corporation, the president  may,  in  accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the board for  this purpose, withhold payments  and  prepayments  of  awards  upon  the  initiation  of  the suspension, limitation and termination proceeding as  an emergency measure. Upon receipt of  a  report  or  other  information  indicating  a  violation by an institution of any law or rule applicable  to the award programs affecting the eligibility of a substantial  number  of   students   attending  the  institution  and  receiving  awards,  or  indicating the institution  may  terminate  its  program  prior  to  the  completion of the term or semester or may fail to repay refunds due, the  president,  in  accordance  with  rules  adopted  by  the board for this  purpose, may  make  payments  and  prepayments  to  the  institution  in  installments,  in trust, or under such other terms and conditions as the  president may deem necessary to assure such payments shall  be  expended  consistent  with  statutory  and  regulatory  requirements  or  shall be  available for application to the payment of refunds due.    (iii) During the initial year a school shall offer approved  programs,  the  president  may  make  payments  and  prepayments  to  the school in  installments, in trust, or under such other terms and conditions as  the  president  may  deem necessary to assure such payments shall be expended  consistent with  statutory  and  regulatory  requirements  or  shall  be  available for application to the payment of refunds due.    d.  A registered business school shall submit to the president at such  time as the rules of the board may provide a statement of such  school's  financial  operations  and  condition as of the end of the school's mostrecent fiscal period  prepared  by  an  independent  public  auditor  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted  auditing standards. Submission of  such a statement may be made a condition of further participation in the  awards program.    4.  a.  Student  refunds. If a student receives payment as a result of  administrative error by the institution or the corporation or a false or  erroneous statement on his application or financial form, or  any  other  act of omission or commission on the part of the student, his spouse, or  his   parents,  such  that  the  recipient  would  otherwise  have  been  considered by the president ineligible  to  receive  such  payment,  the  recipient shall be required to refund the improper payment to the state.    b.  Institutional refunds. The president shall require institutions to  refund payment to the state, and the student shall not  be  required  to  refund  such  payments,  when  (i)  the  president  has  determined that  inadequate administrative procedures or  practices  of  the  institution  resulted  in the incorrect certification of the eligibility of a program  or student, or (ii) the commissioner has determined that the institution  failed to conduct an approved program in accordance with the regulations  of the commissioner in effect when such program was conducted.    c. The president shall be  empowered  to:  (i)  require  such  payment  immediately,  (ii)  accept  a repayment schedule or installment payments  over a reasonable period of time, (iii) reduce any future award received  by such student by the amount of the refund  due,  or  (iv)  reduce  any  future  payments  receivable  by  the institution on behalf of currently  eligible students by the amount of refund due with a  direction  to  the  institution  to  consider  each  eligible student's account to have been  credited with the amount of his  award  eligibility  for  that  term  of  attendance. The board of trustees shall promulgate regulations governing  procedures for the assertion, appeal and recovery of a refund claimed by  the corporation against a student or an institution.    d.  If  the  recipient or the institution, as the case may be, without  reasonable cause, fails to promptly comply with the  president's  demand  for  such  refund, the attorney general of the state shall, upon request  of the president, bring suit to obtain such refund.    5. Payment for prior study. If the recipient of an award under section  six hundred five of this chapter, except subdivision four  thereof,  has  enrolled  in  an  approved program during the academic year prior to the  normal  effective  date  of  such  aid,  his  scholarship  shall  become  effective  at  the time he began his regular college course and he shall  be entitled to receive payment of awards under such scholarship for such  prior study.    6. Loss of good academic standing. a. If the  recipient  of  an  award  fails  to maintain good academic standing as defined by the commissioner  pursuant to article thirteen of this  chapter,  which  definition  shall  include  direction  to institutions to establish standards of reasonable  progress toward  completion  of  the  program  in  which  a  student  is  enrolled,  the  president shall suspend further payments under the award  until and unless the student shall establish, to the satisfaction of the  commissioner, promise of successful completion of the program for  which  the  award  is  made,  and  the  president  may  revoke the award if the  recipient  is  not  reinstated  in  good  academic  standing  within   a  reasonable time to be set by the commissioner.    b.  Students  who  receive their first state award during the nineteen  hundred eighty-one--nineteen hundred eighty-two  academic  year  through  and  including  the  two  thousand five--two thousand six academic year,  shall maintain good academic standing as defined  by  the  commissioner,  except  that  such  standard  shall  not apply to students receiving aid  under section six hundred sixty-seven-a of this part.c. Students who  receive  their  first  state  award  during  the  two  thousand six--two thousand seven academic year and thereafter shall make  satisfactory  progress  toward  the completion of the program's academic  requirements as  provided  in  this  paragraph.  For  purposes  of  this  subdivision,  "reasonable  progress  toward  completion  of the program"  shall mean  a  student  must  complete,  at  a  minimum,  the  following  requirements  at  the time of certification; provided that nothing shall  prevent  a  college  from  developing  stricter  standards  to   measure  reasonable progress:    (i)  For  students  first  receiving  aid  in  two thousand seven--two  thousand eight, and thereafter, and enrolled in four-year  or  five-year  undergraduate programs whose terms are organized in semesters:     Before Being   1st  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th    Certified    for This    Payment     A Student Must 0    3    9    21   33   45   60   75   90   105    Have Accrued at    Least This    Many Credits     With At Least  0    1.1  1.2  1.3  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0    This Grade    Point Average     (ii)  For  students  first  receiving  aid  in two thousand seven--two  thousand eight, and thereafter, and enrolled in  two-year  undergraduate  programs whose terms are organized in semesters:     Before Being   1    2    3    4    5    6    Certified    for This    Payment     A Student      0    3    9    18   30   45    Must Have    Accrued at    Least This    Many Credits     With at Least  0    .5   .75  1.3  2.0  2.0    This Grade    Point Average     (iii)  For  students  first  receiving  aid in two thousand seven--two  thousand eight, and thereafter, and enrolled in four-year  or  five-year  undergraduate programs whose terms are organized on a trimester basis:     Before Being   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    Certified    for This    Payment     A Student      0    2    4    9    17   25   33   40    Must Have    Accrued atLeast This    Many Credits     With At Least  0    1.1  1.1  1.2  1.2  1.3  2.0  2.0    This Grade    Point Average   and,     Before Being   9    10   11   12   13   14   15    Certified    for This    Payment     A Student      50   60   70   80   90   100  110    Must Have    Accrued at    Least This    Many Credits     With At Least  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  2.0    This Grade    Point Average     (iv)  For  students  first  receiving  aid  in two thousand seven--two  thousand eight, and thereafter, and enrolled in  two-year  undergraduate  programs whose terms are organized on a trimester basis:     Before Being   1    2    3    4    5     6    7    8    9    Certified    for This    Payment     A Student      0    2    4    9    15    21   30   37   45    Must Have    Accrued at    Least This    Many Credits     With At Least  0    .5   .5   .75  .75   1.3  2.0  2.0  2.0    This Grade    Point Average     7.  Availability  of  academic  performance awards. Except as provided  herein, payment of academic awards may be made for  a  period  of  seven  years  beginning  with  the  academic  year  in  which  payment is first  available. In the event that a person  entitled  to  such  an  award  is  engaged  in  active  service in the armed forces of the United States or  active service in the national welfare in a program such  as  the  peace  corps, an extension of the seven year period equivalent to the period of  such active service but not in excess of three years may be granted upon  application  to  the  corporation.  A  recipient  who  is ineligible for  payment of an award in the first academic year  of  eligibility  due  to  attendance  in an ineligible out of state school shall not be thereafter  eligible for any other payments of such award. Recipients  of  an  award  which may be reawarded who are temporarily unable to avail themselves of  the  benefits  of the award due to illness or other cause established by  the board of regents prior to  receipt  and  utilization  of  the  firstpayment  of  such  award,  may  apply  for  a temporary leave of absence  pursuant to the regulations of the corporation. The provisions  of  this  subdivision  shall not be considered to increase or in any way alter the  number, amount or methods of payments made under an academic performance  award.