605 - Academic performance awards.

§ 605. Academic  performance  awards. 1. Regents college scholarships.  Regents college scholarships shall be  awarded  to  students  completing  their  high  school programs for attendance in approved programs, on the  basis of nationally established competitive examinations.    a. County allocation. Twenty-five thousand such scholarships shall  be  awarded  each year and shall be allocated to each county in the state in  the same ratio that the number of students residing in such  county  who  were graduated from approved high schools in the state during the school  year  preceding  the  date  of  the  examination  for  the award of such  scholarships bears to the total number of students residing in the state  who were graduated from approved high schools in the state  during  such  school  year;  provided,  that  no  county shall be allocated fewer than  forty scholarships, except that Hamilton county shall  be  allocated  no  fewer than sixteen scholarships. In the event that a scholarship awarded  pursuant  to  this  paragraph is declined by a student or for any reason  revoked by the commissioner or the president, its benefits  shall  lapse  and there shall be no further payment or reawarding of such scholarship.    b.  School allocation. If in any year the candidates who are graduates  of a given approved high  school  in  the  state  and  who  are  awarded  scholarships  under paragraph a of this subdivision do not constitute at  least one person for every forty persons who were  graduated  from  such  school  during the school year preceding the date of the examination for  the award of such scholarships, then additional  scholarships  shall  be  awarded  in  such year in the number required to provide such allocation  of  scholarship  awards  for  each  such  school,  and  such  additional  scholarships  shall  be  awarded  directly  to candidates from each such  school in accordance with the provisions of section six hundred  two  of  this  chapter.  In the event that a scholarship awarded pursuant to this  paragraph is declined by a student or for  any  reason  revoked  by  the  commissioner  or the president, its benefits shall lapse and there shall  be no further payment or reawarding of such scholarship.    2. Regents professional education  in  nursing  scholarships.  Regents  professional  education  in nursing scholarships shall be awarded on the  same basis as regents college scholarships to students completing  their  high  school  programs  for  attendance  in programs for the training of  registered professional nurses at colleges or schools  approved  by  the  regents.  Eight  hundred  such  scholarships shall be awarded each year.  Such scholarships shall be allocated to each county in the state in  the  same  ratio that the number of students residing in such county who were  graduated from approved high schools in the state during the school year  preceding the date of the examination for the award of such scholarships  bears to the total number of students residing in  the  state  who  were  graduated  from  approved  high  schools in the state during such school  year, provided, that no  county  shall  be  allocated  fewer  than  four  scholarships,  except  that  Fulton  and Hamilton counties shall each be  allocated no fewer than two scholarships;  provided,  however,  that  no  county  shall  be allocated fewer scholarships than such county received  during  the  year   nineteen   hundred   seventy-two--nineteen   hundred  seventy-three.    3.   Regents   professional   education   in   medicine  or  dentistry  scholarships.  Regents professional education in medicine  or  dentistry  scholarships  shall  be  awarded  annually,  on  a competitive basis, to  students beginning professional study  in  medicine  or  dentistry.  One  hundred  such  scholarships  shall  be  awarded  annually,  and shall be  classified  and  allocated  in  accordance  with  regents   rules.   The  provisions  of  this  subdivision  shall only apply to any recipient who  receives his or her first award payment prior to  the  nineteen  hundred  eighty-five--nineteen hundred eighty-six academic year.3-a. Regents professional education in optometry scholarships. Regents  professional  education  in  optometry  scholarships  shall  be  awarded  annually, on a competitive basis,  to  students  beginning  professional  study  in optometry. Five such scholarships shall be awarded annually in  optometry,  and  shall  be  classified  and allocated in accordance with  regents rules. The provisions of this subdivision shall  only  apply  to  any  recipient  who receives his or her first award payment prior to the  nineteen hundred eighty-five--nineteen hundred eighty-six academic year.    3-b.   Regents   professional   education   in   veterinary   medicine  scholarships.    Regents  professional  education in veterinary medicine  scholarships shall be awarded  annually,  on  a  competitive  basis,  to  students  beginning  professional study in veterinary medicine. Ten such  scholarships shall be awarded annually in veterinary medicine, and shall  be classified and  allocated  in  accordance  with  regents  rules.  The  provisions  of  this  subdivision  shall only apply to any recipient who  receives his or her first award payment prior to  the  nineteen  hundred  eighty-five--nineteen hundred eighty-six academic year.    4. Regents physician shortage scholarships. At least thirty percent of  the regents professional education in medicine or dentistry scholarships  awarded  each  year shall be awarded to students beginning or engaged in  the professional study in medicine who agree to practice  medicine  upon  completion  of  their professional training in an area in New York state  designated as having a shortage of physicians, provided,  however,  that  to  the  extent  that  regents  physician  shortage scholarships are not  awarded, such scholarships shall  be  awarded  as  regents  professional  education in medicine and dentistry scholarships. The provisions of this  subdivision  shall  only  apply to any recipient who receives his or her  first award payment prior to the nineteen hundred  eighty-five--nineteen  hundred eighty-six academic year.    a.  In  selecting  and  certifying  scholarship  recipients under this  section, priority shall be  accorded  to  applicants  in  the  following  order:    (1)  first,  to  any  applicant  who  (1)  has  a family income of six  thousand dollars or less and (2) resides in an area designated as having  a shortage of physicians pursuant to paragraph c of this subdivision;    (2) second, to any applicant who has a family income of  six  thousand  dollars or less;    (3)  third,  to  any  applicant  who  (1)  has  a family income of ten  thousand dollars or less and (2) resides in an area designated as having  a shortage of physicians pursuant to paragraph c of this subdivision;    (4) fourth, to any applicant who has a family income of  ten  thousand  dollars or less;    (5) fifth, to any other applicant.    b.  With  respect to recipients who have received award payments prior  to  the  nineteen  hundred  eighty-two--nineteen  hundred   eighty-three  academic  year,  with  such time as the commissioner shall by regulation  provide, a recipient of an award shall have  practiced  medicine  in  an  area designated as having a shortage of physicians pursuant to paragraph  d   of  this  subdivision  for  that  number  of  months  calculated  by  multiplying by nine the number  of  annual  awards  he  received.  If  a  recipient fails to comply fully with such condition, the president shall  be  entitled  to  recover  from such recipient an amount which bears the  same ratio to (a) the aggregate of the amount of the awards received  as  (b)  the  number  of  months  the  recipient  failed to comply with this  condition bears to the number of months he was obligated to comply  with  this  condition,  together  with  interest  at  seven  percent per annum  computed from the date on which he completed his  professional  training  and/or  active  military  service.  A recipient shall not be required tocomply with the provisions  of  this  paragraph  unless  he  shall  have  received  a  medical  degree  and  any  obligation  to  comply with such  provisions shall be cancelled upon his death.  The  regents  shall  make  regulations  to  provide  for  the waiver or suspension of any financial  obligation where compliance would involve extreme hardship.    c. The requirements of this paragraph shall apply to any recipient who  receives his or her first award payment  commencing  with  the  nineteen  hundred  eighty-two--nineteen  hundred  eighty-three  academic  year  or  subsequently, and the requirements of paragraph (b) of this  subdivision  shall not apply to such recipients. Within such time as the commissioner  shall  by  regulation  provide,  a  recipient  of  an  award  shall have  practiced medicine in  an  area  designated  as  having  a  shortage  of  physicians pursuant to paragraph (d) of this subdivision for that number  of  months calculated by multiplying by nine the number of annual awards  received by the recipient. If a recipient fails  to  comply  fully  with  such  condition,  the  president  shall be entitled to recover from such  recipient an amount determined by the formula:                                A = 2B (t-s)                                        ---                                         t  in which "A" is the amount the president is entitled to recover; "B"  is  the  sum  of  all  awards paid to the recipient and the interest on such  amount which would be payable if at the times such awards were paid they  were loans bearing interest at the maximum prevailing rate; "t"  is  the  total  number of months in the recipient's period of obligated services;  and "s" is the number of months of  service  actually  rendered  by  the  recipient.  Any  amount which the president is entitled to recover under  this paragraph shall be paid within the one year period beginning on the  date that  the  recipient  failed  to  comply  with  this  condition.  A  recipient  shall  not  be required to comply with the provisions of this  paragraph unless he or she shall have  received  a  medical  degree  and  until  he  or she shall have completed his or her professional training,  or active military service, or both. Any obligation to comply with  such  provisions  shall  be  cancelled  upon  the  death of the recipient. The  commissioner shall  make  regulations  to  provide  for  the  waiver  or  suspension  of  any  financial obligation where compliance would involve  extreme hardship.    d. The regents, after consultation with the  commissioner  of  health,  shall  designate  those areas of New York state which have a shortage of  physicians for the purposes  of  this  subdivision  and,  should  it  be  necessary  in  selecting  among  the  applicants, may establish relative  rankings of those areas.    e. A recipient of an award shall report annually to the New York state  higher education services corporation, on forms prescribed by it, as  to  the  performance  of  the  required  services or the recipient's current  status, commencing the calendar year following graduation  from  medical  school and continuing until the recipient shall have completed, or it is  determined  he  or  she shall not be obligated to complete, the required  services. The corporation may also require recipient to file a report on  his or her current status prior to graduation during any  calendar  year  in  which  an  application  for an additional award is not filed. If the  recipient shall fail to file any report required hereunder within thirty  days of written notice to the recipient, mailed to the address shown  on  the  last  application  for  an award or last report filed, whichever is  later, the president of the corporation may impose a fine of up  to  one  thousand  dollars.  The president shall have the discretion to waive the  filing of a report, excuse a delay in filing, or a  failure  to  file  a  report, or waive or reduce any fine imposed for good cause shown.5. Regents scholarships for war veterans. Regents scholarships for war  veterans  shall  be  awarded on a competitive basis, for study beginning  with the college year nineteen  hundred  seventy-five--nineteen  hundred  seventy-six. Six hundred such scholarships shall be awarded in such year  to  veterans of the armed forces of the United States who have served on  active duty (other than for  training)  between  October  one,  nineteen  hundred sixty-one and March twenty-nine, nineteen hundred seventy-three,  and  who  on the date by which applications are required to be submitted  have been released from such active duty on conditions  not  other  than  honorable.  Such  scholarships  shall be allocated to each county in the  state in the same ratio that the  number  of  legal  residents  in  such  county,  as  determined  by the most recent federal census, bears to the  total number of residents in  the  state;  provided,  however,  that  no  county  shall  be allocated fewer scholarships than such county received  during the year nineteen hundred sixty-eight--sixty-nine.    6. Regents scholarships in  Cornell  University.  a.  Number.  Cornell  University  shall  grant,  on  a  competitive  basis,  tuition  reducing  scholarships, to be known as regents scholarships in Cornell University,  in the total amount of at least thirty thousand dollars  each  year  for  new  freshman  awards.  At  least  one such scholarship shall be awarded  annually for each senate district of the state.    b. Amount. Each such scholarship shall  entitle  the  recipient  to  a  credit against tuition in any of the tuition paying divisions of Cornell  University  for  four  years  or  five years, depending on the number of  years required for the baccalaureate. The tuition credit for  each  such  scholarship  shall  be  determined by Cornell University on the basis of  the financial status of the scholarship holder as related to the cost of  education at such university.  No  such  scholarship  shall  reduce  the  tuition  by  less than one hundred dollars nor by more than one thousand  dollars.    c. Eligible list. Such  scholarships  shall  be  awarded  annually  by  Cornell  University  in  the  order  of merit to candidates who meet the  requirements for admission to Cornell University and whose names  appear  on  lists established as the result of competitive examinations prepared  under the direction of the commissioner of education. In  the  award  of  such scholarships, preference shall be given, where other qualifications  are  equal,  to  the  children  of  those  who have died in the military  service of the United States.    d. Statewide list. If a scholarship belonging  to  a  senate  district  shall not be claimed by a resident thereof or if there be no resident of  such  senate  district entitled to such a scholarship, any sum available  for a scholarship or scholarships for residents of such senate district,  together with any unexpended balance  of  the  total  amount  of  thirty  thousand  dollars, shall be used to make awards to additional candidates  in order of merit from a statewide list.    e. Report.  A  complete  list  of  the  names  and  addresses  of  the  scholarship  recipients,  and  the  amount  of tuition credit granted to  them, shall be filed by Cornell University with the commissioner and the  president not later than October first of each year.    7. Empire state challenger scholarships  for  teachers.  Empire  state  challenger  scholarships for prospective elementary and secondary school  teachers of mathematics or science or other fields of  teacher  shortage  as  identified  by  the commissioner on or after January first, nineteen  hundred  eighty-six,  shall  be  awarded  on  a  competitive  basis   as  determined  by  the  commissioner,  for study beginning with the college  year  nineteen  hundred  eighty-four--eighty-five  or   thereafter.   a.  Twenty-six  such  scholarships shall be awarded annually to residents of  each judicial district as defined in section one hundred  forty  of  thejudiciary law, who enroll in a registered program for the preparation of  teachers  in such teacher shortage fields at any New York institution of  higher education. The  commissioner  shall  to  the  extent  practicable  ensure  that recipients of such scholarships include individuals who are  unrepresented or underrepresented in the respective disciplines.    b. Within such time as the commissioner by  regulations  provide,  the  recipient of an award shall have taught in the field or fields for which  the  scholarship was awarded in an elementary or secondary school in New  York state for that number of months calculated by multiplying  by  five  the  number  of  annual  awards  granted  to the recipient except that a  recipient who as  of  July  first,  nineteen  hundred  ninety-three  has  received  fewer  than  three  annual  awards  shall  be exempt from such  conditions. If a recipient fails to comply fully  with  such  condition,  the president shall be entitled to recover from such recipient an amount  which  bears  the  same  ratio to (i) the aggregate of the amount of the  awards received as (ii) the number of months  the  recipient  failed  to  comply  with  this condition bears to the number of months the recipient  was obligated to comply with this condition, together with  interest  at  ten  percent  per  annum  computed  from the date on which the recipient  completed professional training. Such recovery may  be  made  over  such  period  of  time  as  is  prescribed by the president. Any obligation to  comply with such provisions shall  be  cancelled  upon  the  recipient's  death.  The  commissioner  shall  adopt  regulations  to provide for the  waiver or suspension of any financial obligation in  whole  or  in  part  where  compliance  would involve severe hardship. In determining whether  to grant such  waiver  or  suspension,  the  commissioner  may  consider  whether  the recipient failed to complete the registered program for the  preparation of  teachers  or  completed  such  program  under  financial  hardship  by  reason  of  the discontinuance of funding for the award of  scholarships pursuant to this subdivision.    7-a. New York state math and science teaching incentive program awards  pursuant to section six hundred sixty-nine-d of this title.    8. Empire state challenger fellowships for teachers.   a. Six  hundred  fifty  Empire  state challenger fellowships shall be awarded annually in  accordance with  paragraphs  b,  c  and  d  of  this  subdivision  on  a  competitive  basis  as  determined  by  the  commissioner to individuals  enrolled in a registered graduate program in any New York institution of  higher education which leads to permanent certification as a teacher  of  mathematics or science or other fields of teacher shortage as identified  by  the  commissioner  on  or  after  January  first,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-six. The commissioner shall to the extent practicable ensure that  recipients of such fellowships include individuals who are unrepresented  or underrepresented in the respective disciplines.    b. A maximum of twenty-five fellowships for full-time study  shall  be  reserved  for  teachers  whose  positions have been abolished within two  years preceding the date of application for a fellowship  because  of  a  decline  in  student enrollment and who are qualified to pursue graduate  study to obtain certification to teach mathematics or science  or  other  fields of teacher shortage as identified by the commissioner on or after  January first, nineteen hundred eighty-six.    c.  A  maximum  of  four hundred twenty-five fellowships for full-time  study shall be reserved for individuals who  have  earned  baccalaureate  degrees  in mathematics, the physical sciences, the biological sciences,  engineering or other disciplines related to fields of  teacher  shortage  as  identified  by  the commissioner on or after January first, nineteen  hundred eighty-six but are not eligible  for  provisional  or  permanent  certification,  and  who  are  qualified  to  pursue graduate study in aprogram leading to the degree of master of  arts  in  teaching,  or  the  equivalent as determined by the commissioner.    d.  Not less than two hundred fellowships for part-time study shall be  made available  to  persons  not  receiving  a  fellowship  reserved  in  paragraphs  b  and  c  of  this subdivision. In the event that there are  full-time fellowships reserved under such paragraphs b and c  that  have  not  been  awarded  after  awards  have  been  made  for  all  qualified  applicants, such excess number of fellowships  shall  be  available  for  award as part-time fellowships pursuant to this paragraph.    e. Within such time as the commissioner shall by regulation provide, a  recipient of an award shall have taught in the field or fields for which  the  fellowship  was awarded in an elementary or secondary school in New  York state for ten months for a full-time award or for  that  number  of  months  calculated by multiplying by five the number of part-time awards  granted to the recipient. If a recipient fails to comply fully with such  condition,  the  president  shall  be  entitled  to  recover  from  such  recipient  an  amount which bears the same ratio to (i) the aggregate of  the amount of the awards received as  (ii)  the  number  of  months  the  recipient  failed  to  comply with this condition bears to the number of  months the recipient  was  obligated  to  comply  with  this  condition,  together  with  interest at ten percent per annum computed from the date  on which the recipient completed professional  training.  Such  recovery  may  be made over such period of time as is prescribed by the president.  Any obligation to comply with such provisions shall  be  cancelled  upon  the  recipient's  death.  The  commissioner  shall  have  regulations to  provide for the waiver or suspension  of  any  financial  obligation  in  whole  or  part  under  this  subdivision where compliance would involve  extreme hardship.  In  determining  whether  to  grant  such  waiver  or  suspension,  the  commissioner may consider whether the recipient failed  to  complete  the  registered  graduate  program  leading  to  permanent  certification  as  a  teacher  or completed such program under financial  hardship by reason of the discontinuance of funding  for  the  award  of  fellowships pursuant to this subdivision.    *  9.  Regents  physician  loan forgiveness program. Regents physician  loan forgiveness awards shall be  awarded  annually  to  physicians  who  agree  to  practice  medicine in an area of New York state designated by  the regents as having a shortage of physicians.  Such  awards  shall  be  classified and allocated in accordance with regents rules.    a. Eligibility. (1) The applicant must be a resident of New York state  and licensed to practice medicine.    (2) The applicant must have completed a professional residency program  within  the  five  years  immediately preceding the period for which the  first award would be granted, or be within two years of completion of an  accredited residency program in a primary care specialty  designated  in  short supply by the board of regents.    (3)  The  applicant  must agree to practice medicine in an area in New  York state designated as having a shortage of physicians.  The  regents,  after  consultation  with  the  commissioners  of  health,  correctional  services,  mental  health  and  mental  retardation  and   developmental  disabilities,  shall  designate those regions and facilities of New York  state which have a shortage of  physicians  for  the  purposes  of  this  section and establish relative rankings thereof.    b.  Selection. The commissioner, in consultation with the commissioner  of health, shall establish criteria for the selection of participants in  the program. An applicant must satisfy at  least  one  of  the  criteria  established.  A  priority  shall  be  accorded  to  any applicant who is  completing the second year of the service requirement and is  reapplyingfor  a  new  award. The criteria shall include but not be limited to the  following:    (i)  reapplication  for  a new award by a person who is completing the  second year of a service requirement;    (ii) receipt of specific training  in  a  primary  care  specialty  or  obstetrics, determined by the regents to be in short supply;    (iii) receipt of specific training or experience in serving a shortage  area;    (iv)  receipt  of  specific training or experience matching a specific  medical need existing in a shortage area; and    (v) agreement pursuant to subdivision (d) of this section to  practice  in  an  area  determined  by  the  regents  to have a severe shortage of  primary care physician services.    c. Notification. (1) The  commissioner  shall  then  forward  approved  applications to the president and shall notify unsuccessful applicants;    (2) The president shall verify the approved applicants':    (i) eligibility; and    (ii) total undergraduate and medical school student expense;    (3) The president shall notify applicants of their award entitlement.    d.  Service requirement. Within such time as the commissioner shall by  regulation provide, a  recipient  of  an  award  shall  have  agreed  to  practice  medicine in a specific area designated as having a shortage of  physicians for a period of twelve months for each annual payment  to  be  received  by  the recipient. Physicians in training who receive an award  shall not receive credit toward their required service for time spent in  a training program. In no case shall  the  total  number  of  months  of  service  required  be  less  than  twenty-four.  The president shall, in  consultation with the commissioner, develop and secure from  each  award  recipient, a written agreement to:    (i) practice medicine in the designated shortage area;    (ii) to accept Medicare and Medicaid payments; and    (iii)  to provide thirty-five hours per week of direct patient care in  the  designated  shortage  area  being  served,  or  to  the  designated  population being served.  If a recipient fails to comply fully with such conditions, the president  shall  be  entitled  to  receive  from  such  recipient  an amount to be  determined by the formula:                                A = 2B (t-s)                                        ---                                         t  in which "A" is the amount the president is entitled to recover; "B"  is  the  sum  of all payments made to the recipient and the interest on such  amount which would be payable if at the times such awards were paid they  were loans bearing interest at the maximum prevailing rate; "t"  is  the  total  number of months in the recipient's period of obligated services;  and "s" is the number of months of  service  actually  rendered  by  the  recipient.  Any  amount which the president is entitled to recover under  this paragraph shall be paid within the five-year  period  beginning  on  the  date  that  the  recipient  failed  to  comply  with  this  service  condition. Nothing in the written agreement shall affect  the  terms  of  employment  of  the  individual  who shall negotiate, separate and apart  from the program, his or her salary and other forms of  employment  with  an  agency,  institution  or  a  program  in  which  he  or she shall be  employed.    Any obligation to comply with such  provisions  as  outlined  in  this  section  shall  be  cancelled  upon  the  death  of  the  recipient. The  commissioner shall  make  regulations  to  provide  for  the  waiver  orsuspension  of  any  financial  obligation  which  would involve extreme  hardship.    e. Reporting. A recipient of an award shall report annually to the New  York  state higher education services corporation, and the department of  health on forms prescribed by the president, as to  the  performance  of  the  required  services,  commencing with the calendar year in which the  recipient begins to practice medicine in a shortage area and  continuing  until the recipient shall have completed, or it is determined that he or  she  shall  not  be obligated to complete, the required services. If the  recipient shall fail to file any report required hereunder within thirty  days of written notice to the recipient, mailed to the address shown  on  the  last  application  for  an award or last report filed, whichever is  later, the president of the corporation may impose a fine of up  to  one  thousand  dollars.  The president shall have the discretion to waive the  filing of a report, excuse a delay in filing or  a  failure  to  file  a  report, or waive or reduce any fine imposed for good cause shown.    f.  Other  awards. Award recipients shall be eligible to apply for one  additional award.    * NB Program terminates per ch. 31/85, as amended    * 10.  Regents  health  care  professional  opportunity  scholarships.  Regents  health  care  professional  opportunity  scholarships  shall be  awarded annually to students who are beginning or engaged in an approved  program in medicine or dentistry and who are economically  disadvantaged  and/or members of an underrepresented minority group, provided, however,  that  to  the  extent  that regents health care professional opportunity  scholarships are not awarded, such  scholarships  shall  be  awarded  as  regents  professional opportunity scholarships. These scholarships shall  be classified and allocated in accordance with regents rules.    a. In selecting  and  certifying  scholarship  recipients  under  this  subdivision,  priority  shall be accorded to applicants in the following  order:    (1) First, to any  applicant  who  is  economically  disadvantaged  as  defined  by  the regents and a minority historically underrepresented in  the profession as determined by the regents after consultation with  the  council  on  professional  career  opportunity  created  by section nine  hundred forty-one of the executive law;    (2) Second, to any applicant who is a minority underrepresented in the  profession as determined by the  regents  after  consultation  with  the  council  on  professional  career  opportunity  created  by section nine  hundred forty-one of the executive law;    (3) Third, to any applicant who is a graduate of  the  state-sponsored  opportunity  program pursuant to section sixty-four hundred fifty-one or  sixty-four hundred fifty-two of this chapter.    In the event that there are more applicants who have the same priority  than there are remaining scholarships, the commissioner shall distribute  the remaining number of such scholarships by means of a lottery or other  form of random selection.    b. The commissioner shall then forward approved  applications  to  the  president and shall notify unsuccessful applicants.    c. The president shall notify applicants of their award entitlement.    d. The president shall, in consultation with the commissioner, develop  and  secure  from  each  successful  applicant  a  written  agreement to  practice medicine or dentistry, as appropriate, in a designated shortage  area. Within such time as the commissioner shall by regulation  provide,  a recipient of an award shall have practiced medicine or dentistry in an  area  designated  as  having  a  shortage  of physicians or dentists, as  appropriate, for that number of  months  calculated  by  multiplying  by  twelve  the  number  of annual payments received by the recipient. In nocase shall the total number of months of service required be  less  than  twenty-four.  If a recipient fails to comply fully with such conditions,  the president shall be entitled to receive from such recipient an amount  to be determined by the formula:                                A = 2B (t-s)                                        ---                                         t  in  which "A" is the amount the president is entitled to recover; "B" is  the sum of all payments made to the recipient and the interest  on  such  amount which would be payable if at the times such awards were paid they  were  loans  bearing interest at the maximum prevailing rate; "t" is the  total number of months in the recipient's period of obligated  services;  and  "s"  is  the  number  of months of service actually rendered by the  recipient. Any amount which the president is entitled to  recover  under  this  paragraph  shall  be paid within the five-year period beginning on  the  date  that  the  recipient  failed  to  comply  with  this  service  condition.  Nothing  in  the written agreement shall affect the terms of  employment of the individual who shall  negotiate,  separate  and  apart  from  the  program, his or her salary and other forms of employment with  an agency, institution or  a  program  in  which  he  or  she  shall  be  employed.    Any  obligation  to  comply  with  such provisions as outlined in this  section shall  be  cancelled  upon  the  death  of  the  recipient.  The  commissioner  shall  make  regulations  to  provide  for  the  waiver or  suspension of any  financial  obligation  which  would  involve  extreme  hardship.    e. A recipient of an award shall report annually to the New York state  higher  education services corporation, on forms prescribed by it, as to  the performance of the required services, commencing with  the  calendar  year  in which the recipient begins to practice medicine or dentistry in  a shortage area and continuing until the recipient shall have completed,  or it is determined that he or she shall not be obligated  to  complete,  the  required  services.  If the recipient shall fail to file any report  required  hereunder  within  thirty  days  of  written  notice  to   the  recipient,  mailed  to  the address shown on the last application for an  award or last report filed, whichever is later,  the  president  of  the  corporation  may  impose  a  fine  of  up  to  one thousand dollars. The  president shall have the discretion to waive the  filing  of  a  report,  excuse  a  delay  in  filing  or a failure to file a report, or waive or  reduce any fine imposed for good cause shown.    * NB Scholarship terminates per ch. 31/85, as amended    * 11.  Regents  professional  opportunity  scholarships.  a.   Regents  professional  opportunity  scholarships  shall  be  awarded  annually to  students who are beginning or engaged in an approved program leading  to  a  degree  in  a  profession  licensed  by  the  regents  or other field  designated by the regents and who are economically disadvantaged  and/or  members  of  an underrepresented minority group. Such scholarships shall  be classified  and  allocated  in  accordance  with  regents  rules.  In  selecting  and certifying scholarship recipients under this subdivision,  priority shall be accorded to applicants in the following order:    (1) First, to any  applicant  who  is  economically  disadvantaged  as  defined  by  the regents and a minority historically underrepresented in  the profession or field as determined by the regents after  consultation  with  the  council on professional career opportunity created by section  nine hundred forty-one of the executive law;    (2) Second, to any applicant who is a minority underrepresented in the  profession or field determined by the regents  after  consultation  withthe  council  on professional career opportunity created by section nine  hundred forty-one of the executive law;    (3) Third, to any applicant who is enrolled in or is a graduate of the  state-sponsored  opportunity  program  pursuant  to  section  sixty-four  hundred fifty-one or sixty-four hundred fifty-two of this chapter.    In the event that there are more applicants who have the same priority  than there are remaining scholarships, the commissioner shall distribute  the remaining number of such scholarships by means of a lottery or other  form of random selection.    b. The commissioner shall then forward approved  applications  to  the  president and shall notify unsuccessful applicants.    c. The president shall notify applicants of their award entitlement.    d. Within such time as the commissioner shall by regulation provide, a  recipient  of  an  award  shall  have  resided  and  been  employed in a  profession or field designated by the regents in New York state for that  number of months calculated by  multiplying  by  twelve  the  number  of  annual  awards received by the recipient. If a recipient fails to comply  fully with such condition, the state shall be entitled to  recover  from  such recipient an amount determined by the formula:                                A = 2B (t-s)                                        ---                                         t  in  which "A" is the amount the president is entitled to recover; "B" is  the sum of all awards paid to the recipient and  the  interest  on  such  amount which would be payable if at the times such awards were paid they  were  loans  bearing interest at the maximum prevailing rate; "t" is the  total number of months in the recipient's period of obligated  services;  and  "s"  is  the  number  of months of service actually rendered by the  recipient. Any amount which the president is entitled to  recover  under  this  paragraph  shall  be paid within the five-year period beginning on  the  date  that  the  recipient  failed  to  comply  with  this  service  condition.  Nothing  in  the written agreement shall affect the terms of  employment of the individual who shall  negotiate,  separate  and  apart  from the program, his or her salary and other forms of employment.    Any  obligation  to  comply  with  such provisions as outlined in this  section shall  be  cancelled  upon  the  death  of  the  recipient.  The  commissioner  shall  make  regulations  to  provide  for  the  waiver or  suspension of any  financial  obligation  which  would  involve  extreme  hardship.    e. A recipient of an award shall report annually to the New York state  higher  education services corporation, on forms prescribed by it, as to  the performance of the required services, until the recipient shall have  completed, or it is determined that he or she shall not be obligated  to  complete, the required services. If the recipient shall fail to file any  report  required  hereunder  within thirty days of written notice to the  recipient, mailed to the address shown on the last  application  for  an  award  or  last  report  filed, whichever is later, the president of the  corporation may impose a  fine  of  up  to  one  thousand  dollars.  The  president  shall  have  the  discretion to waive the filing of a report,  excuse a delay in filing or a failure to file  a  report,  or  waive  or  reduce any fine imposed for good cause shown.    * NB Scholarship terminates per ch. 31/85, as amended    12. Empire state scholarships of excellence. One thousand empire state  scholarships  of  excellence  shall be awarded each year, beginning with  the nineteen hundred eighty-six--nineteen hundred eighty-seven  academic  year  to  students  completing  their  high  school programs who in each  county  receive  the  highest  scores  on  the  nationally   established  competitive examinations upon which the regents college scholarships arebased. The awarded scholarships shall be allocated to each county in the  state  in  the  same  ratio that the number of students residing in such  county who were graduated from approved high schools in the state during  the  school  year preceding the date of the examination for the award of  such scholarships bears to the total number of students residing in  the  state  who were graduates from approved high schools in the state during  such school year provided that no county shall be  allocated  less  than  two  scholarships,  except  Hamilton  county which shall be allocated no  less than one scholarship. In  the  event  that  a  scholarship  awarded  pursuant  to  this  subdivision  is  declined  by a student, or, for any  reason, is revoked by the commissioner or the  president,  its  benefits  shall  lapse and there shall be no further payment or reawarding of such  scholarship.