512 - Withdrawal and death benefits.

§ 512. Withdrawal  and  death  benefits.  Benefits upon withdrawal and  death shall be payable as follows:    a. A member who withdraws from service or ceases to be a  teacher  for  any  cause  other  than  death or retirement shall be paid on demand the  accumulated contributions standing  to  the  credit  of  his  individual  account  in  the  annuity  savings fund. A member who has no accumulated  contributions credited to his individual account in the annuity  savings  fund  and  who  ceases to be a teacher for any cause other than death or  retirement may withdraw from membership in the system by filing a notice  of withdrawal with the system pursuant to rules and regulations  adopted  by the retirement board.    b.  1.  Should  a  contributor  die before retirement, his accumulated  contributions shall be paid to his estate or to such person as he  shall  have  nominated  to  receive  such benefit. In the event such designated  beneficiary does not survive him, or if he shall not have so  designated  a  beneficiary,  such  benefit shall be payable to the deceased member's  estate or as provided in section one hundred  three-a  of  the  decedent  estate law. Such nomination must be by written designation duly executed  and filed with the retirement board.    2.  In  addition  to  the return of accumulated contributions, a death  benefit also shall be payable upon the death of a member who dies before  the effective date of his retirement, and was in service upon which  his  membership  was based when he died or was on the payroll in such service  and paid within a period of twelve months prior to his death and had not  been otherwise gainfully employed since he ceased to be on such  payroll  or  if, during the period that membership is valid, the retirement board  shall determine to its satisfaction that said member was  physically  or  mentally incapacitated for the performance of duty at the time he ceased  to  be  on  the  payroll  in  such  service  and  that  he  had  been so  incapacitated and had not been otherwise  gainfully  employed  since  he  ceased  to  be  on  such payroll; provided he had credit for one or more  years of service while actually a member. The amount  of  death  benefit  shall  be  computed  by  multiplying  one  twelfth  of  the compensation  earnable by such member during his last twelve months of service while a  member by the number of years, not to exceed twelve, of his total credit  for service as a teacher in this state. Where the member has  more  than  twelve years of credited service as a teacher in this state and when his  death  occurs  on  or  after July first, nineteen hundred sixty-one, and  before July first, nineteen hundred seventy-four, there shall  be  added  to such benefit one twenty-fourth of such compensation multiplied by the  number  of years in excess of twelve, but not to exceed twenty-four such  years, of his total credit for service as a teacher in  the  state.  The  death benefit shall be paid to such person as he shall have nominated to  receive  such benefit. In the event such designated beneficiary does not  survive him, or if he shall not have so designated a  beneficiary,  such  benefit  shall be payable to the deceased member's estate or as provided  in section  one  hundred  three-a  of  the  decedent  estate  law.  Such  nomination  must  be by written designation duly executed and filed with  the  retirement  board.  The  provisions  of  this  paragraph   two   of  subdivision  b  of  this section shall apply only to deaths occurring on  and after July first, nineteen hundred fifty-nine.    3. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article or  any  rules  or  regulations  adopted  thereunder  by the retirement board, the death  benefit payable pursuant to paragraph two of this  subdivision,  in  the  case  of  a member who dies after having become eligible to apply and be  retired for special service or superannuation pursuant to the provisions  of this article, shall be increased by the  amount,  if  any,  that  the  actuarial equivalent of the pension portion of his retirement allowance,computed  as if he had been retired on the day immediately preceding his  death, and computed in accordance with the provisions of subdivision two  of section five hundred ten and subdivision four of section five hundred  eleven-a  of  this  article,  exceeds  the  amount  of the death benefit  otherwise payable pursuant to paragraph two  of  this  subdivision.  The  provisions  of  this  paragraph  three  of subdivision b of this section  shall apply only to deaths  occurring  after  the  date  on  which  said  paragraph  three  becomes  operative  and  prior to July first, nineteen  hundred seventy-four.    4.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of   this   article,   the  requirement  of  one  or more years of credited service, as set forth in  paragraph two  of  this  subdivision,  shall  be  deemed  to  have  been  satisfied  by  any  member  who  has  credit for three or more months of  service rendered since last becoming a member. The  provisions  of  this  paragraph  shall  apply  only  to deaths occurring after June thirtieth,  nineteen  hundred  seventy  and  before  July  first,  nineteen  hundred  seventy-five.    5.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of this article, the death  benefit payable pursuant to paragraph two of this subdivision  shall  be  increased  by  the excess, if any, of the greater of a or b over the sum  of c and d, where a, b, c and d are as set forth hereunder:    a. One-twelfth of the member's compensation multiplied by  the  number  of years, not to exceed thirty-six, of his total credited state service.    b.  The  lesser  of  three  times  the member's compensation or twenty  thousand dollars.    c. The death benefit which,  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  paragraph  two of this subdivision, is payable in addition to the return  of accumulated contributions.    d. The reserve for increased-take-home-pay.    The term "compensation", as used in this subparagraph, shall mean  (1)  in  the case of a member who has credit for one or more years of service  rendered since last becoming a member, the compensation earned  by  such  member  during his last twelve months of service, and (2) in the case of  a member who has credit for less than one year of service rendered since  last becoming a member, it shall mean his annual rate of compensation at  the time of his death. The provisions of this paragraph shall apply only  to deaths occurring after June thirtieth, nineteen hundred  seventy  and  before  July  first, nineteen hundred seventy-five. The additional death  benefits payable hereunder shall be construed  as  being  payable  under  paragraph  two of this subdivision for the purpose of computing benefits  payable under paragraph three of this subdivision.    c. The member or, within ninety  days  after  his  death,  the  person  nominated by him to receive any benefit payable on his account, may file  with   the  retirement  board  a  written  designation,  duly  executed,  providing that such benefit shall be paid in the form of an  annuity  to  the  person  so  nominated.  Such  annuity  shall  be  determined as the  actuarial equivalent of the benefit otherwise payable, on the  basis  of  the  interest  rate  and  the mortality tables adopted by the retirement  board for use in the calculations of such annuities. Such annuity  shall  be  payable  throughout  the  life  of  the person so nominated, with no  payments at his death unless the member or, within ninety days after his  death, the person nominated by him to receive his benefit,  shall  elect  to  have  the actuarial equivalent of such annuity paid in the form of a  reduced annuity payable for life with the provision that if  the  person  so  nominated should die before the annuity payments received by him are  equal to such actuarial equivalent, the balance thereof shall be paid in  a lump sum to such beneficiary's estate or to such person as such member  or his nominee shall have designated. Such designation of a  beneficiaryto receive such benefit may be made or changed at any time by the person  who  made  it.  Such  election  or  change  shall  be  made  by  written  designation  duly  executed  and  filed  with  the   retirement   board.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing provisions, the retirement board reserves  the right to pay any benefit in the form of a lump sum  payment  if  the  annuity  determined as the actuarial equivalent of the benefit otherwise  payable is less than one hundred dollars per month.    d. 1. The retirement board may adopt rules and  regulations  providing  that a trustee of an inter vivos or testamentary trust shall be eligible  to  be nominated to receive a lump sum benefit pursuant to subdivision b  of this section.    2. Any proceeds received by a trustee under this section shall not  be  subject to the debts of the member or to transfer or estate taxes to any  greater  extent  than if such proceeds were payable to the beneficiaries  named in the trust and not to the estate of the member.    3. A payment made in  good  faith  under  this  section  to  either  a  designated  trustee  of  an inter vivos trust, a successor trustee of an  inter vivos trust who provides a copy of his appointment or a trustee of  successor trustee of a testamentary trust who provides  a  copy  of  the  letters  of  trusteeship  shall be a complete discharge to the system to  the extent of the payment.    4. If no qualified trustee claims the proceeds within eighteen  months  after  the death of the member, or if satisfactory evidence is furnished  within such period showing that there  is  or  will  be  no  trustee  to  receive  the  proceeds,  payment  shall be made to the deceased member's  estate.    e. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a member  with  ten  or  more  years  of  credited  service  in  such  system  who  dies before a  retirement benefit becomes payable and who is otherwise not entitled  to  a  death benefit from the retirement system shall be deemed to have died  on the last day that he or she was in service  upon  which  his  or  her  membership  was  based  for purposes of eligibility for the payment of a  death benefit pursuant to the provisions  of  this  section.  The  death  benefit  payable in such case shall be one-half of that which would have  been payable had such member died on  the  last  day  that  service  was  rendered.    f. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary and  solely  for the purpose of determining eligibility for the death benefit  payable pursuant to this section, a person subject to this section shall  be considered to have died  while  in  teaching  service  provided  such  person  was  in such service at the time he or she was ordered to active  duty, other than for training purposes, pursuant  to  Title  10  of  the  United  States Code, with the armed forces of the United States and died  while on such active duty on or after the effective date of the  chapter  of the laws of two thousand five which added this subdivision. Provided,  further,  that  any  such  person ordered to active duty, other than for  training purposes, pursuant to Title 10 of the United States Code,  with  the  armed  forces  of the United States who died prior to rendering the  minimum amount of service necessary to  be  eligible  for  this  benefit  shall be considered to have satisfied the minimum service requirement.