75 - Short title and statement of legislative intent.

§ 75. Short title and statement of legislative intent. 1. This article  may  be cited as the "uniform child custody jurisdiction and enforcement  act".    2. It is the intent of the legislature in  enacting  this  article  to  provide  an  effective mechanism to obtain and enforce orders of custody  and visitation across state lines and to do so in a manner that  ensures  that  the  safety  of  the  children  is  paramount  and that victims of  domestic violence and child abuse  are  protected.  It  is  further  the  intent of the legislature that this article be construed so as to ensure  that  custody  and  visitation  by  perpetrators of domestic violence or  homicide  of  a  parent,  legal  custodian,  legal  guardian,   sibling,  half-sibling  or  step-sibling  of  a  child  is  restricted pursuant to  subdivision one-c of section two  hundred  forty  of  this  chapter  and  section one thousand eighty-five of the family court act.